Bah! The earliest appointment is at 3.00pm. Hey, I've been thinkin bout somethin just now. It's about my homepage. Wow, it's nearly 5 years since I published that webby-o-mine. Unfortunately, the old website design I made is lost in a bad XP error I stumbled recently which have left me with no choice but to reformat and cleanly install a new XP. Damn. I don't know if I have another copy of the old design. Even my new design is lost! Oww I nearly fergot I wrote a half page of new rants and I'm sure I didn't burn it into CD. Damn!
Anyway, thinkin about this few years my website has been around the net and stayed in a free home at Graffiti.Net, words can't do justice on how excellent my web hostin is. I tried a few and since my personal preference is a host without any popup etc, Graffiti.Net got my attention. Now I don't care much bout popups and still Graffiti.Net have none. Excellent. Yeah this sounds more and more like a lame advertisement I know. But heck, my site is still up fer more than 5 years and countin! Are yours? :P.
Okay here's the news. There's a new Metaterus forum online. The old one will have a limited period of life left until it'll be totally disbanded. You'll have to register a new account fer the new forum though. No, you still don't have to be a 'trve'/'tr00' or whatever lame bullshit you underage kiddies wants to call yourself to join the forum. But keep in mind that this is a metal forum. You can talk bout your fav hiphop singer on the other gazillion forum out there.
I heard there's a rumour that TV3 is goin to organise a metal gig soon? Later.
Friday, December 30, 2005
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Where's my shirt?, get my car back & 2006 emotions.
Oh my! This is makin me crazy. I think I lost the T-shirt. It's THE Gegaran Metal 2005 T-shirt! Ahhhhh! I knew somethin is missin. But I don't know where I've lost it. My sister has moved to Melaka now and I have this feelin that the tee was in the old house. I hope she brought it with her to Melaka because that t-shirt is a very valuable thing to me. Sheesh. I really wish I accidently left it at the old house while I was movin my things to this apartment.
I'm currently workin my arse's off this few months. If I can achieve my personal target, I'll bail my car out from the horrible finance's garage in less than a month startin from next January. I really miss my car. I have to hold my urge to buy new clothes, computer parts, new boot, mp3 player and so on, so that I can get my car back. Anyway, I have to pay about RM3,000 to get the darn 4 wheel back. Yeow. I guess the towin distance from my place to the garage is expensive. Yeah great. Fucken waste of money. If I didn't have to pay the towin expenses, I probably have to pay about less than 2K. Shitty.
Now I'm coverin about 3 installer's area which is, whoa, big. I needed the cold cash so I have to cope with it. It's very tirin mind you. Puchong + Meru/Sementa + Bukit Kemuning. Sometime the appointments was so scrambled I have to rush between those places which is far. Ah, anythin to get my car back. Hope the finance won't sell my car off to somebody before I get the chance to bail it.
The work has slowly eatin my band's life. I missed my practice session last week because I have this 1 customer who just have no patient to wait fer another 2 days. Sheesh. And guess what? When I was there he said the line got no dial tone since early in the mornin. ARGHH! I purposedly waited the whole night while Fractured had to practice without me so that I could go early in the mornin to entertain the customer just to know that the line had a problem? Where's my railgun? Shitty.
Fahmi has been buggin me about 3 new songs which I still haven't had the chance to practice. Hey my Ibanez TR Series is with me now hehe. But there's only 1 string left, the 1 I bought to replaced the snapped string before. Read my previous blog and you'll know (I was waitin to write somethin like this..). Oh yeah while you're at it, why don't you read my blog from the beginnin. Ok ok back to the story. I still have 3 more new songs left to practice and then we can start our recordin session. Yay! I want the full-length album to be out in the early quarter of 2006. I'll write bout our upcomin recordin when the time comes.
Speakin of 2006. Wow. I'll be 28 soon. A few blinks of an eye and, wallah! I'll be 28. Some say it's the age fer men to find his companion or soulmate or whatever in life. How bout me? Maybe, or maybe not. I don't know. Time will tell. The times like this, when the increment of the year is near, is quite sentimental to me. It's the time when my mind wander back to the old days. My childhood, my young teenage life (wah after this I'm no more eligible fer the "teen" title huh? Dagnammit!) and so on. We all gone through so much huh? Yessirree. This is why bein a human is great. We have memories. We can virtually relive our past within our mind. My thought goes to those who left me, my lovely mother (I'm still a bit emotional when I think about her, love you mom...), my grandparents (atuk, uwan. Hey my Raya's always a blast when they're around. Ah, there's dust in my eyes..) who made my childhood's life great, my uncles and aunties, I really miss you all. Sorry fer the emotions. I know, I have a soft heart inside. Listenin to The Police - Englishman In New York is the suitable sound my mood wants to hear..
Keep your eyes open few birthday announcement shamelessly written by me, in not-so-distant future. Oh yeah Isman, yours will be 1st, I know. Love and appreciate those who you have and remember those who left. Later.
I'm currently workin my arse's off this few months. If I can achieve my personal target, I'll bail my car out from the horrible finance's garage in less than a month startin from next January. I really miss my car. I have to hold my urge to buy new clothes, computer parts, new boot, mp3 player and so on, so that I can get my car back. Anyway, I have to pay about RM3,000 to get the darn 4 wheel back. Yeow. I guess the towin distance from my place to the garage is expensive. Yeah great. Fucken waste of money. If I didn't have to pay the towin expenses, I probably have to pay about less than 2K. Shitty.
Now I'm coverin about 3 installer's area which is, whoa, big. I needed the cold cash so I have to cope with it. It's very tirin mind you. Puchong + Meru/Sementa + Bukit Kemuning. Sometime the appointments was so scrambled I have to rush between those places which is far. Ah, anythin to get my car back. Hope the finance won't sell my car off to somebody before I get the chance to bail it.
The work has slowly eatin my band's life. I missed my practice session last week because I have this 1 customer who just have no patient to wait fer another 2 days. Sheesh. And guess what? When I was there he said the line got no dial tone since early in the mornin. ARGHH! I purposedly waited the whole night while Fractured had to practice without me so that I could go early in the mornin to entertain the customer just to know that the line had a problem? Where's my railgun? Shitty.
Fahmi has been buggin me about 3 new songs which I still haven't had the chance to practice. Hey my Ibanez TR Series is with me now hehe. But there's only 1 string left, the 1 I bought to replaced the snapped string before. Read my previous blog and you'll know (I was waitin to write somethin like this..). Oh yeah while you're at it, why don't you read my blog from the beginnin. Ok ok back to the story. I still have 3 more new songs left to practice and then we can start our recordin session. Yay! I want the full-length album to be out in the early quarter of 2006. I'll write bout our upcomin recordin when the time comes.
Speakin of 2006. Wow. I'll be 28 soon. A few blinks of an eye and, wallah! I'll be 28. Some say it's the age fer men to find his companion or soulmate or whatever in life. How bout me? Maybe, or maybe not. I don't know. Time will tell. The times like this, when the increment of the year is near, is quite sentimental to me. It's the time when my mind wander back to the old days. My childhood, my young teenage life (wah after this I'm no more eligible fer the "teen" title huh? Dagnammit!) and so on. We all gone through so much huh? Yessirree. This is why bein a human is great. We have memories. We can virtually relive our past within our mind. My thought goes to those who left me, my lovely mother (I'm still a bit emotional when I think about her, love you mom...), my grandparents (atuk, uwan. Hey my Raya's always a blast when they're around. Ah, there's dust in my eyes..) who made my childhood's life great, my uncles and aunties, I really miss you all. Sorry fer the emotions. I know, I have a soft heart inside. Listenin to The Police - Englishman In New York is the suitable sound my mood wants to hear..
Keep your eyes open few birthday announcement shamelessly written by me, in not-so-distant future. Oh yeah Isman, yours will be 1st, I know. Love and appreciate those who you have and remember those who left. Later.
Friday, December 16, 2005
And then a happy story. *Yeah I can change my mood quickly ;)*
As said by Fahmi, the venue fer our upcomin gig is Indonesia! Woohoo! From what I heard, Indonesian metal crowd are one of the best in Asia. This is somethin Fractured cannot simply miss. I'll update you guys on this later.
Textual bash on the black metal issue. Yeah I'm moody.
*sigh*. I wanted to refrain meself from makin any comment whatsoever. But I just can't. The issue keep pushin my limit more and more everyday. It's the hot-from-the-oven (Again? Sheesh, it's more like a reheat of yesterday's instant noodle) issue of Black Metal. I actually don't want to make a comment out of this (I will tell why later) but then I personally think that I should voice out my stand. Biased or not.
First of all. Let me clear some things up front. I'm not a black metaller nor I'm a fan of such genre. Black metal is just not my type of soup. Sorry BM fans, I like what I like and BM is just not my taste. Your preferences is yours and I respect that. Hey I know *many* of you guys is just the fan of the music and nothin more. But then, not all people have the advantage of usin self-rational thinkin when it comes to issue like this. And now this issue is gettin hotter as the day goes by.
I have a mixed feelin fer the BM scene here. Let's be honest, most of the people I know who's into BM is because, as dumb as it sounds; BM is anti-Christian. Well, as far as I know, BM is not picky when it comes to religion bashin and sort. So practically, it's dumb to say that you're a BM and then bablin about how muslim you are at the same time. It's (sadly) plain ridiculous. That's not the only reason why I've never like any BM bands whatsoever. I can start sayin somethin like how too physolopical BM scene is (not to mention the "We're trve black metaller" kinda BS) and honestly, the music just doesn't suit my taste like I've stated before. This is strictly MY opinion so whatever you want to say to me, my stand will always be the same. Hey it's not you are evil or somethin (although ironically, fer you trve BM fans, evil is a good thing) and I totally respect your choice of music. Anyway, no worries because I got my flamesuit on.
"So why bother with the issue" you might ask. Good question. To be honest, if the issue is strictly within the BM community, I won't waste my time writin somethin least thinkin bout it. But then the current situation shows that it's not. The other metal community in general is also somewhat unwillingly dragged into the mess that's not totally ours to start with.
Take an example of a recent incident. A few friends of mine who's not a BM-er was busted because they're in a metal gig fer supportin their friend's band who happened to be in a gig that have maybe 1 or 2 BM band. Now tell me that is not suck at all. They have to sleep in lockup fer a few days and eat God knows what type of food suit fer an arm-robber. And then after that a few of the trve BM-er starts a rethoric like "we must let the masses know the truth that we're not evil". I agree that the masses don't have the sufficient knowledge about the underground music scene but then it's not totally their fault. Come on and take look at yourself! Most of you have personality problems. Your stand s is inconsistent (read my opinion above) and oh please don't even let me start with those corpse-paint stuff.
Your claims that BM is harmless make no sense. To me, disrespect fer other religion is just plain racist. Most of you hate Jesus and yet the same BM ideology you praise makes mockery out of your own God. Then you brag about how faithfull you are in your religion. I can't think of another suitable word but 'dumb'. Hey, like I've said before, your taste in music is yours. But please don't do dumb shit to make yourself look extreme or cool or somethin without thinkin about the consequences. Oh and try startin to be consistent in your stand. There's more choices of better metal genres out there, many are free of dumb agenda. And 1 more thing, you don't nescessarily need to do/say stupid things even if you listen to lousy music.
Enough with BM-er flamin. Now to the media. The more I read about those "thorough research" about the BM movement, the more my stomach ache. It'll be just a few more paragraph of those bull nonsense till I vomit my stomach out. I know your publication desperately in need of high rating/share or whatever, but I didn't expect the writings to be so, well, low.
Until now neither me or my friends have encountered those "JIT" group. Never. Are they fer real? I don't know. I have doubts and all the "confessions/investigations" the media are doin just won't wipe my doubts away. I do think that some people will do crazy stuff like ritual or somethin like that but I don't think metal has anythin to do with it. Remember Ayah Pin? I doubt he ever listen to any sort of even rock music but he topped satan himself by claimin to have create many current religion. It's the same as sayin he's God Himself!! (if I'm not mistaken, he actually said that..).
Now everybody knows that the media is biased when it comes to almost anythin. Tabloids are the worst. And it's sad to see that some publication who used to be credible and informative to read now opted fer the latter. Less fact, more probabilities. Remember the "naked chinese prisoner" case? You should. It's still fresh. Can you see what the whole "assume first, investigate later" media (and some of the parliament seater) mentality has done to the image of our country? That sort of mentality stinks like a dead rat in this BM issue too. They'll shamelessly assume everythin they can think of and will try to make it a fact by feedin it to us day by day. Most of the accusation is nonsense and all is ridiculous. Things like "BM-er will wear black and drink goat's blood". I mean, come on, this is Malaysia! Not Sweden! I doubt there's any local band who drank any goat blood ever! Gimmick is another thing. Hey kids wants to have a little bit of fun too ya know. I saw many black Cypress Hill t-shirts, mostly black color and they have skull printed up front. So, is Cypress Hill a trve BM-er? Thanks to the irrelevantly biased media those found wearin one will surely have a nice spot at the nearest lockup but just fer information, Cypress Hill is some sort of rap band! Do a REAL research damnit!
Yeah sure BM is bad but please make sure you educate people on the differences of BM to the other *insert-your-fav*-metals. Not all metal like satan. There's many more metal who are more to write about the dumbness of war and such to even bother about the whole satan thingy. Why wearin black t-shirt is such an issue anyway? I wear white, blue, red and yeah my favorite color is black but that doesn't mean I'm worshippin lucifer in my free time! At least we're wearin somethin decently. Take a look at the hiphop scene locally. With girls wearin skimpy dresses fer local hiphop/rap/whatevershitthereis video which mostly promotes a too-social lifestyle. Pfft. But media doll such things because that sort of lifestyle is much more accepted in the masses. They don't want to upset their main consumers. Just pathetic. Don't let me start with the poppy-ballard-rock scene locally. The eardrums-bleedin songs of don't-leave-me-for-him-or-I'll-cry and gazillions of other mind numbin triangle-love/near-to-lovemakin/self-whinin bands/songs that's almost like they have rented a frequent special spot in the local newspaper/magazine. What are we goin to do about that? Oh no there's many other but I'm too tired to think.
One of the media used this issue before and the sale skyrocketed. Don't you think you owe a "thanks" to the BM community (specially) because they made it possible fer you to finally get a fat paycheck (or even a big bonus). Now the readers are more mature as the internet brings new (even true) meanin of "research" fer them. Anyway, fer the media, I hope this time you guys can buy your dream *insert-the-stuff-you-want-to-buy* when this issue is hot again. Ouch, my bad, this issue is already hot.
Off Topic but relevant: I was thinkin bout gettin a cool FreeBSD black T or a sweatshirt but because of this current heat on BM issue, I don't want people to say I worship a demon (daemon is good, demon is bad) and spendin the night in detention. *sigh*. So much fer a 3rd world mindset in a "developin" country.
First of all. Let me clear some things up front. I'm not a black metaller nor I'm a fan of such genre. Black metal is just not my type of soup. Sorry BM fans, I like what I like and BM is just not my taste. Your preferences is yours and I respect that. Hey I know *many* of you guys is just the fan of the music and nothin more. But then, not all people have the advantage of usin self-rational thinkin when it comes to issue like this. And now this issue is gettin hotter as the day goes by.
I have a mixed feelin fer the BM scene here. Let's be honest, most of the people I know who's into BM is because, as dumb as it sounds; BM is anti-Christian. Well, as far as I know, BM is not picky when it comes to religion bashin and sort. So practically, it's dumb to say that you're a BM and then bablin about how muslim you are at the same time. It's (sadly) plain ridiculous. That's not the only reason why I've never like any BM bands whatsoever. I can start sayin somethin like how too physolopical BM scene is (not to mention the "We're trve black metaller" kinda BS) and honestly, the music just doesn't suit my taste like I've stated before. This is strictly MY opinion so whatever you want to say to me, my stand will always be the same. Hey it's not you are evil or somethin (although ironically, fer you trve BM fans, evil is a good thing) and I totally respect your choice of music. Anyway, no worries because I got my flamesuit on.
"So why bother with the issue" you might ask. Good question. To be honest, if the issue is strictly within the BM community, I won't waste my time writin somethin least thinkin bout it. But then the current situation shows that it's not. The other metal community in general is also somewhat unwillingly dragged into the mess that's not totally ours to start with.
Take an example of a recent incident. A few friends of mine who's not a BM-er was busted because they're in a metal gig fer supportin their friend's band who happened to be in a gig that have maybe 1 or 2 BM band. Now tell me that is not suck at all. They have to sleep in lockup fer a few days and eat God knows what type of food suit fer an arm-robber. And then after that a few of the trve BM-er starts a rethoric like "we must let the masses know the truth that we're not evil". I agree that the masses don't have the sufficient knowledge about the underground music scene but then it's not totally their fault. Come on and take look at yourself! Most of you have personality problems. Your stand s is inconsistent (read my opinion above) and oh please don't even let me start with those corpse-paint stuff.
Your claims that BM is harmless make no sense. To me, disrespect fer other religion is just plain racist. Most of you hate Jesus and yet the same BM ideology you praise makes mockery out of your own God. Then you brag about how faithfull you are in your religion. I can't think of another suitable word but 'dumb'. Hey, like I've said before, your taste in music is yours. But please don't do dumb shit to make yourself look extreme or cool or somethin without thinkin about the consequences. Oh and try startin to be consistent in your stand. There's more choices of better metal genres out there, many are free of dumb agenda. And 1 more thing, you don't nescessarily need to do/say stupid things even if you listen to lousy music.
Enough with BM-er flamin. Now to the media. The more I read about those "thorough research" about the BM movement, the more my stomach ache. It'll be just a few more paragraph of those bull nonsense till I vomit my stomach out. I know your publication desperately in need of high rating/share or whatever, but I didn't expect the writings to be so, well, low.
Until now neither me or my friends have encountered those "JIT" group. Never. Are they fer real? I don't know. I have doubts and all the "confessions/investigations" the media are doin just won't wipe my doubts away. I do think that some people will do crazy stuff like ritual or somethin like that but I don't think metal has anythin to do with it. Remember Ayah Pin? I doubt he ever listen to any sort of even rock music but he topped satan himself by claimin to have create many current religion. It's the same as sayin he's God Himself!! (if I'm not mistaken, he actually said that..).
Now everybody knows that the media is biased when it comes to almost anythin. Tabloids are the worst. And it's sad to see that some publication who used to be credible and informative to read now opted fer the latter. Less fact, more probabilities. Remember the "naked chinese prisoner" case? You should. It's still fresh. Can you see what the whole "assume first, investigate later" media (and some of the parliament seater) mentality has done to the image of our country? That sort of mentality stinks like a dead rat in this BM issue too. They'll shamelessly assume everythin they can think of and will try to make it a fact by feedin it to us day by day. Most of the accusation is nonsense and all is ridiculous. Things like "BM-er will wear black and drink goat's blood". I mean, come on, this is Malaysia! Not Sweden! I doubt there's any local band who drank any goat blood ever! Gimmick is another thing. Hey kids wants to have a little bit of fun too ya know. I saw many black Cypress Hill t-shirts, mostly black color and they have skull printed up front. So, is Cypress Hill a trve BM-er? Thanks to the irrelevantly biased media those found wearin one will surely have a nice spot at the nearest lockup but just fer information, Cypress Hill is some sort of rap band! Do a REAL research damnit!
Yeah sure BM is bad but please make sure you educate people on the differences of BM to the other *insert-your-fav*-metals. Not all metal like satan. There's many more metal who are more to write about the dumbness of war and such to even bother about the whole satan thingy. Why wearin black t-shirt is such an issue anyway? I wear white, blue, red and yeah my favorite color is black but that doesn't mean I'm worshippin lucifer in my free time! At least we're wearin somethin decently. Take a look at the hiphop scene locally. With girls wearin skimpy dresses fer local hiphop/rap/whatevershitthereis video which mostly promotes a too-social lifestyle. Pfft. But media doll such things because that sort of lifestyle is much more accepted in the masses. They don't want to upset their main consumers. Just pathetic. Don't let me start with the poppy-ballard-rock scene locally. The eardrums-bleedin songs of don't-leave-me-for-him-or-I'll-cry and gazillions of other mind numbin triangle-love/near-to-lovemakin/self-whinin bands/songs that's almost like they have rented a frequent special spot in the local newspaper/magazine. What are we goin to do about that? Oh no there's many other but I'm too tired to think.
One of the media used this issue before and the sale skyrocketed. Don't you think you owe a "thanks" to the BM community (specially) because they made it possible fer you to finally get a fat paycheck (or even a big bonus). Now the readers are more mature as the internet brings new (even true) meanin of "research" fer them. Anyway, fer the media, I hope this time you guys can buy your dream *insert-the-stuff-you-want-to-buy* when this issue is hot again. Ouch, my bad, this issue is already hot.
Off Topic but relevant: I was thinkin bout gettin a cool FreeBSD black T or a sweatshirt but because of this current heat on BM issue, I don't want people to say I worship a demon (daemon is good, demon is bad) and spendin the night in detention. *sigh*. So much fer a 3rd world mindset in a "developin" country.
Friday, December 09, 2005
New bike!, Fractured show oversea? & metalheads busted.
Haha. I bought a bike. Now it's easier to go places. No more dependin on Bobby to take me places now. Yeahhh. It's a 4-stroke bike and it's a brand new. Still shiny but I dunno fer how long. Heh. Livin in an apartment is hard when it comes to washin own transport etc. Ah well. I'm still learnin my way round here. I'm gettin the hang of this place though. But my work area is includin Meru/Kapar and the place is still unknown to me. No I went there a few times but with Bobby. To go there by meself is another thing. Soon baby, soon.
I'm on a flu now. Got it yesterday so I didn't go to work today. *sigh*. I missed a few appointments. I'm on medication so I hope tomorrow I'll be fine. Got somethin important to do tomorrow.
Fahmi called and spewed a good news. If it's true. Next year Fractured will probably be playin oversea. We are confirmed as one of the band listed but the venue is still in discussion. Probably Thailand or Indonesia. Woohoo! I'll update you guys on this matter frequently.
Last week nearly a hundred of gig goer, bandmembers etc got busted in a metal gigs. Got my friends in the lockup too but when I was in Seremban, it's already Sunday and we can't bail em out. So it's certain that there will be no metal gigs this year. *sigh*. I'm not into black metal but why does I have to suffer because of this? WHY!! Later.
I'm on a flu now. Got it yesterday so I didn't go to work today. *sigh*. I missed a few appointments. I'm on medication so I hope tomorrow I'll be fine. Got somethin important to do tomorrow.
Fahmi called and spewed a good news. If it's true. Next year Fractured will probably be playin oversea. We are confirmed as one of the band listed but the venue is still in discussion. Probably Thailand or Indonesia. Woohoo! I'll update you guys on this matter frequently.
Last week nearly a hundred of gig goer, bandmembers etc got busted in a metal gigs. Got my friends in the lockup too but when I was in Seremban, it's already Sunday and we can't bail em out. So it's certain that there will be no metal gigs this year. *sigh*. I'm not into black metal but why does I have to suffer because of this? WHY!! Later.
Friday, November 18, 2005
Ridin a Kawasaki & gettin used to Puchong
Whoa. Today is somethin. It's my 1st time ridin bike doin installation. One of my boss who have this Kawasaki KRZ went back home and asked me if I want to use his bike to do installation. Ouch. I don't quite know how to ride bikes with clutch. But then there's many places to go so I had to take the offer. Guess what? It ain't that bad after all! I have bad experiences with Yamaha RXZ fer bein unforgivin when it comes to take the 1st and 2nd gear but this Kawasaki is pretty much easy. I'm startin to like ridin it. So no more missed installation's appointment. Hurrah! I have a few days to use the bike though and after that, it's back to ridin on that back of Bobby's bike. Well, it's fun!
I'm gettin used to Puchong's area now. I had a few wrong turns but I'm gettin a hang of this place. It's not that hard but there's more shortcuts I have to learn. Not bad fer a Seremban guy in Puchong. To be honest, Puchong's road are not as messy as Klang's. Later.
I'm gettin used to Puchong's area now. I had a few wrong turns but I'm gettin a hang of this place. It's not that hard but there's more shortcuts I have to learn. Not bad fer a Seremban guy in Puchong. To be honest, Puchong's road are not as messy as Klang's. Later.
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Care to Care2? & my sister will move out.
I was searchin fer some birthday E-cards when I stumbled on Care2 Website. If you are into human rights, animal rights, earth rights sorta things; this site is good. The registration is free and you'll have a free email address if you want to. They have loads of non-profit activities which you can join.
I know I haven't update my personal homepage fer quite some time now. Well, I don't quite sure what I want to update. I'm waitin fer my new desktop PC and Bobby said that he wanted to register a phone line & Streamyx (yay!) fer our new place. It'll be a few months more I guess. Ah well.
My big sister will be movin to Malacca by the end of this month. Yikes!. I still have loads of stuff back there in Seremban and I don't know how the heck I can get those stuff here with my car is no longer mine now. Yeah my Ibanez is on the top of my rescue list. Later then.
I know I haven't update my personal homepage fer quite some time now. Well, I don't quite sure what I want to update. I'm waitin fer my new desktop PC and Bobby said that he wanted to register a phone line & Streamyx (yay!) fer our new place. It'll be a few months more I guess. Ah well.
My big sister will be movin to Malacca by the end of this month. Yikes!. I still have loads of stuff back there in Seremban and I don't know how the heck I can get those stuff here with my car is no longer mine now. Yeah my Ibanez is on the top of my rescue list. Later then.
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Internet hogged & love after breakup.
Urghhh. I'm in a Internet Cafe near my place and the line is horrible. Sheesh. Gazillion of people hoggin the line with webcams, online RPGs etc and it took me nearly 15 bloody minutes to read a single email in Yahoo!. Great. Oh, and I have to wait fer ages to open up Blogger to write this blog. *sigh*. I'm not the only one payin fer this service so there's not much I can do. Except fer whinin here on the net haha!.
How would you feel if you really love somebody but at the same time, you know you will never be together. Fer me, I'll be sad fer sure, but at the same time, I'll be happy because I know I get the love I longed fer from her although she will not be mine. You know who I'm talkin about. Yeah we can't be together, but whatever happens, I know that I love her and she'll love me. The feelin won't change even after she's with somebody else and me with another person. Ask yourself, how many of you will be friends with the person who's no longer your couple or such. Breakin up doesn't always mean that you need to be that person's enemy or somethin like that. In this case, breakin up means that we both will always care fer each other even if we can only be lovin friends.
I wonder how long it'll take fer this blog to get published after I hit the 'Publish' button. Wanna experiment? Here goes. Later.
P/s: I will always care fer you Momoe. We will always have our memories.
How would you feel if you really love somebody but at the same time, you know you will never be together. Fer me, I'll be sad fer sure, but at the same time, I'll be happy because I know I get the love I longed fer from her although she will not be mine. You know who I'm talkin about. Yeah we can't be together, but whatever happens, I know that I love her and she'll love me. The feelin won't change even after she's with somebody else and me with another person. Ask yourself, how many of you will be friends with the person who's no longer your couple or such. Breakin up doesn't always mean that you need to be that person's enemy or somethin like that. In this case, breakin up means that we both will always care fer each other even if we can only be lovin friends.
I wonder how long it'll take fer this blog to get published after I hit the 'Publish' button. Wanna experiment? Here goes. Later.
P/s: I will always care fer you Momoe. We will always have our memories.
Ho Ho Ho! I bursted out in brief but loud laughter this mornin. Guess what. Come on. Sorry but no you guessed the wrong thing. The lady I told you about finally accepted the fact that she can't do the Streamyx installation by herself. HAHAHAHAHA! But anyway you were right about me bein cuter. Thanks.
Ok here's the story. This mornin, I saw the women's Work Order changed to "New Order" when I was darn sure I returned her appointment yesterday and changed the status to "Customer request self installation". I smirked fer a while before I asked the secretary to call her up and asked her what really happened.
So then, in the phone conversation, the lady's tone lighten. Lighter than before. Such a sweet talker. *giggles*. So she confess that she can't do the self installation. Because she wasn't allowed to. So she wanted me to go and do the installation. Although she didn't specifically say that she wanted me to go, but then, it's my area so I'll be the one who'll go and do it.
The sweet smell of victory. HAHAHAHAHAHA.
Ok here's the story. This mornin, I saw the women's Work Order changed to "New Order" when I was darn sure I returned her appointment yesterday and changed the status to "Customer request self installation". I smirked fer a while before I asked the secretary to call her up and asked her what really happened.
So then, in the phone conversation, the lady's tone lighten. Lighter than before. Such a sweet talker. *giggles*. So she confess that she can't do the self installation. Because she wasn't allowed to. So she wanted me to go and do the installation. Although she didn't specifically say that she wanted me to go, but then, it's my area so I'll be the one who'll go and do it.
The sweet smell of victory. HAHAHAHAHAHA.
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Ahh. I have a bad mood. I'm kinda pissed off right now. Arghhh "customer is always right"? MY ASS! Most of the time they're abusin that mantra just to piss someone off. Yesterday I was supposed to do an installation at this premise, so I call up the person so set an appointment. So what did this woman says?
"I never asked fer any installation because I want to install it myself" and another gazillion blabberin that get on my nerves. So? It's totally fine if she wants to install it herself. So I told her that I have to change her 'Work Order' status to 'Self Installation' which means that my company can no longer be held responsible fer the Streamyx installation. Then I told her that she will have to go to the nearest TMNet center to collect her free modem. She said ok and things are fine. Every lives happily ever after. Heh. Tough luck.
The woman called this mornin, burstin out in rage askin me to send her the modem. So I asked my boss about it and that's when I knew that we're not authorised to give any modem fer 'self-installation' cases. I understand that perfectly but then, the woman refuses to rationally accept it. I called her again to brief the situation to her, and what did I get? She spew somethin offensive like "What rubbish are you talkin", "I don't care" and even threatenin to "Make a report" about the matter. What the hell? I was still in the Raya mood and all of the sudden, this person voluntered to spoil it. Great, just great.
She just won't accept the fact that us; Streamyx Installers are just, well, installers. We do the installation. We give modem to OUR customer where we successfully did the installation at. We can't give modems to just anybody who wants it. Self installation is different. Sigh. She wanted to do the self installation because she don't want to pay the installation fee. But she didn't realise that if I give her the modem, she have to sign a form and by signin that specific form, she will still have to pay the installation fees whether I do the installation or not and I'm pretty sure that even though the modem is given, she can never do the activation because her Streamyx package specifically stated that we, the Streamyx Installer have to be there to activate the line. I was this close on makin a verbal attack to that woman. This close. Thankfully I remembered that I'm just workin here, not the owner of the company. Damn.
The problem is simple. She didn't say specifically about her preferences on the package she opted fer to her Streamyx sale person. If she said that she wanted to do the installation herself when she registered fer the Streamyx, my company will never get a Work Order with her name on it. Simple as that. But then, Customer is always right. Yeah right. Later.
"I never asked fer any installation because I want to install it myself" and another gazillion blabberin that get on my nerves. So? It's totally fine if she wants to install it herself. So I told her that I have to change her 'Work Order' status to 'Self Installation' which means that my company can no longer be held responsible fer the Streamyx installation. Then I told her that she will have to go to the nearest TMNet center to collect her free modem. She said ok and things are fine. Every lives happily ever after. Heh. Tough luck.
The woman called this mornin, burstin out in rage askin me to send her the modem. So I asked my boss about it and that's when I knew that we're not authorised to give any modem fer 'self-installation' cases. I understand that perfectly but then, the woman refuses to rationally accept it. I called her again to brief the situation to her, and what did I get? She spew somethin offensive like "What rubbish are you talkin", "I don't care" and even threatenin to "Make a report" about the matter. What the hell? I was still in the Raya mood and all of the sudden, this person voluntered to spoil it. Great, just great.
She just won't accept the fact that us; Streamyx Installers are just, well, installers. We do the installation. We give modem to OUR customer where we successfully did the installation at. We can't give modems to just anybody who wants it. Self installation is different. Sigh. She wanted to do the self installation because she don't want to pay the installation fee. But she didn't realise that if I give her the modem, she have to sign a form and by signin that specific form, she will still have to pay the installation fees whether I do the installation or not and I'm pretty sure that even though the modem is given, she can never do the activation because her Streamyx package specifically stated that we, the Streamyx Installer have to be there to activate the line. I was this close on makin a verbal attack to that woman. This close. Thankfully I remembered that I'm just workin here, not the owner of the company. Damn.
The problem is simple. She didn't say specifically about her preferences on the package she opted fer to her Streamyx sale person. If she said that she wanted to do the installation herself when she registered fer the Streamyx, my company will never get a Work Order with her name on it. Simple as that. But then, Customer is always right. Yeah right. Later.
Saturday, October 29, 2005
No more car but I'm good & ex-boss issue.
Last night, when I finally arrived at my new apartment after a whole day of exhaustin Streamyx installation; I noticed somethin was not right. My car which I previously parked near the apartment's staircase was not there. Strange, I don't feel that surprised at all. It's like I knew what happened. Yeah you got it. My car was towed in the finance's garage. *sigh*. There goes my 1st car.
Funny I'm not that disappointed. Maybe because lately I consider the car as my biggest liability. It was. I'm still strugglin in my financial state and the car is not much of a help. But still I am a bit disappointed thinkin that the car is just 3 month overdued. Sheesh. Ah well, DeepaRaya is comin and everybody is rushin to collect money. Heh. I'm gonna miss that four-wheeler-o-mine but I know it'll find a suitable new owner soon. Why don't I bail it out? Because I don't see the need. In my current situation, I realise I can't afford it. Maybe a little longer, when my little economy is more stabilised I can grab a cheap R19. Oh yeah R19 will always be my fav four-wheeler.
I still don't know my detail address of this new place of mine. I just don't have the time to remember it. The work is tirin enough.
My ex-boss (the insurance+used car company I used to work previously.) wanted to see me about some debt in the insurance department. To be honest, I'm tired of that bull. He is just not interested in findin who owe him but he just wanted somebody to blame. The heck. It has been month since I left and why the heck he want me to explain somethin I fergot now? Im frustrated in that. It stings my eardrums to hear him askin if I 'honestly didn't took the money'. Darn. If I took it, my car wouldn't get towed yesterday. Shitty. Just shitty. I'll go and meet him this 4th of Raya and end this sillyness fer good.
To all, Selamat Hari Raya and happy Deepavali. Enjoy it. Later.
Funny I'm not that disappointed. Maybe because lately I consider the car as my biggest liability. It was. I'm still strugglin in my financial state and the car is not much of a help. But still I am a bit disappointed thinkin that the car is just 3 month overdued. Sheesh. Ah well, DeepaRaya is comin and everybody is rushin to collect money. Heh. I'm gonna miss that four-wheeler-o-mine but I know it'll find a suitable new owner soon. Why don't I bail it out? Because I don't see the need. In my current situation, I realise I can't afford it. Maybe a little longer, when my little economy is more stabilised I can grab a cheap R19. Oh yeah R19 will always be my fav four-wheeler.
I still don't know my detail address of this new place of mine. I just don't have the time to remember it. The work is tirin enough.
My ex-boss (the insurance+used car company I used to work previously.) wanted to see me about some debt in the insurance department. To be honest, I'm tired of that bull. He is just not interested in findin who owe him but he just wanted somebody to blame. The heck. It has been month since I left and why the heck he want me to explain somethin I fergot now? Im frustrated in that. It stings my eardrums to hear him askin if I 'honestly didn't took the money'. Darn. If I took it, my car wouldn't get towed yesterday. Shitty. Just shitty. I'll go and meet him this 4th of Raya and end this sillyness fer good.
To all, Selamat Hari Raya and happy Deepavali. Enjoy it. Later.
Friday, October 28, 2005
Alsemo's Diary
Arghhhh! It's hear again. Like an auto-rewindin sissy pop song, the 'hottest' news is here again. It's about the 'Black Metal' issue. *sigh*. And I'm practically feelin happy with our upcomin November gig. Darn!
Saturday, October 22, 2005
Movin in to Puchong.
Ho ho. Now my butt can be spared from the torment of continuos bike ridin. I found a place near my company's HQ. It's in Puchong. Tomorrow me and Bobby will move in there. Phew. A much better solution. But what about my studies? Hmmm. I'll have to quit, change college fer KL branch and change class to part time. I had to. Oh, I'm tryin to make a record fer the shortest blog entry. So this is it fer now. Later.
Saturday, October 15, 2005
Spam is here & I changed work
Holy crap. Read the comments on my blog yet? Not yet? Go and take a peek. Done? Yeah, the thing that's most annoyin has arrived. SPAM. Sheesh. Now they're spammin blog too. Shitty. Yeah I know ID that starts with an "A" will have the most chance to be spammed. Yeah well Blogger will need to do somethin bout this soon because if spam is hauntin me, I know they're hauntin many others too.
I got the broadband installer job. Actually I was workin since Tuesday so that's why I'm not on the net this past few days. Oh yeah I skipped college fer a few days too. What to do? The work is around Shah Alam area and it'll take almost the whole day to finish a few jobs. Not to mention that ridin bike from Seremban, to Puchong, to Klang everyday is tirin. Very very tirin. Can't drive the car because of toll charges, petrol etc is a luxurious liability. Ridin bike at night is dangerous. Although the highway is a 3 lane road, bikers only can safely use the emergency lane. At night, even lorries will cruise at more than 120km/h. Yeah it's crazy. I hate travellin long distance by bike. But what can I do? I've been searchin fer a room to rent but my overhead is not enough so I have to travel all the way from Seremban to Puchong and vice versa everyday.
I have a few more paragraph of rants I wanna write but I'm totally beaten. I'm so tired. Momoe called just now but I was in the bathroom. How unlucky of me. Later then.
I got the broadband installer job. Actually I was workin since Tuesday so that's why I'm not on the net this past few days. Oh yeah I skipped college fer a few days too. What to do? The work is around Shah Alam area and it'll take almost the whole day to finish a few jobs. Not to mention that ridin bike from Seremban, to Puchong, to Klang everyday is tirin. Very very tirin. Can't drive the car because of toll charges, petrol etc is a luxurious liability. Ridin bike at night is dangerous. Although the highway is a 3 lane road, bikers only can safely use the emergency lane. At night, even lorries will cruise at more than 120km/h. Yeah it's crazy. I hate travellin long distance by bike. But what can I do? I've been searchin fer a room to rent but my overhead is not enough so I have to travel all the way from Seremban to Puchong and vice versa everyday.
I have a few more paragraph of rants I wanna write but I'm totally beaten. I'm so tired. Momoe called just now but I was in the bathroom. How unlucky of me. Later then.
Sunday, October 09, 2005
Boots + workmate is killin me, missed calls & new job?
Urh. This boots is killin me. My feet are achin arrrghhh!. More than 12 hours wearin this boots fer 2 days and it's startin to kill my foot. Only if I can wear sandal.
Today I was pissed off at work. You see, although I'm just a part timer, I'm also a senior. So my colleague who's goin fer a full time staff doesn't know how to respect that. Damn. I think she's so desperately in need of sale because she kept hoggin possible customer who's I attended. That's plain lame. She did that fer more than 5 time on her 1st day workin. I, bein a patient guy, was able to tolerate that fer a few days until today. I feel like I just want to shout the 'F' word outta my mouth when she did that again and again today. Plain lame. Ah well, I'm just a part timer.
The place I'm workin have the worst mobile reception ever. Damn. I got 2 missed call from Momoe. 1 yesterday evenin and the other one was this afternoon. Ahh. The phone didn't ring at all because the line was zero and 'kablam!', the screen says that I have a missed call. Dagnamnit. I really wanted to hear Momoe's voice. It's too long already. *sigh*.
A new job might get me soon. No I'm not drunk. I have another unofficial interview to go before I'll know if I got the job or not. It's a Streamyx Reseller thingy. Yeah so if you're applyin fer Streamyx broadband, I might be the one doin all the setups fer you, in your home, in bikini. Ok the bikini part was a pathetic attempt to cheer my mood. But the rest is serious. I might get the Bangi & Kajang area though. Ah it's better than nothin.
Actually, this keyboard I'm usin have some sort of problem with the 'F' key. I have to recheck what I wrote because most of the time, the 'F' is not there. Huh. Later.
Today I was pissed off at work. You see, although I'm just a part timer, I'm also a senior. So my colleague who's goin fer a full time staff doesn't know how to respect that. Damn. I think she's so desperately in need of sale because she kept hoggin possible customer who's I attended. That's plain lame. She did that fer more than 5 time on her 1st day workin. I, bein a patient guy, was able to tolerate that fer a few days until today. I feel like I just want to shout the 'F' word outta my mouth when she did that again and again today. Plain lame. Ah well, I'm just a part timer.
The place I'm workin have the worst mobile reception ever. Damn. I got 2 missed call from Momoe. 1 yesterday evenin and the other one was this afternoon. Ahh. The phone didn't ring at all because the line was zero and 'kablam!', the screen says that I have a missed call. Dagnamnit. I really wanted to hear Momoe's voice. It's too long already. *sigh*.
A new job might get me soon. No I'm not drunk. I have another unofficial interview to go before I'll know if I got the job or not. It's a Streamyx Reseller thingy. Yeah so if you're applyin fer Streamyx broadband, I might be the one doin all the setups fer you, in your home, in bikini. Ok the bikini part was a pathetic attempt to cheer my mood. But the rest is serious. I might get the Bangi & Kajang area though. Ah it's better than nothin.
Actually, this keyboard I'm usin have some sort of problem with the 'F' key. I have to recheck what I wrote because most of the time, the 'F' is not there. Huh. Later.
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Cycle, Metalterus compilation, Fractured's vidz? & sweet Ramadhan.
Emptiness. Such emptiness. I just feel empty. I currently don't know why exactly am I feelin that way but I do feel it. Somethin is not right. I don't what. Hmm. Maybe because I'm spendin my life with studies and work everyday and I'm losin the life I'm tryin to regain. I left the house in the mornin and I'll come back late at night. Wow. I'm startin to feel like a robot. The only time I'm enjoyin meself is at the 'mapley', sippin a lime tea or such. And when it's gettin really late, it's off to bed and in the mornin, it's the same old cycle again and again. Sheesh.
It's not that bad I guess. Well, hey, I'm studyin now. Somethin I've been wantin to do fer quite some time. Anyway. Sometime I got so flatted out I skipped a class or two. Heck this work is tirin. But the pay is good considerin that I can keep my hair and goatee. And I got paid weekly too!. There's another job opportunity I'm tryin to grab which has a lot more flexible workin hour and a hell lot of pay but the pace is slow so I have to work my current job until the time comes.
I did tell you bout my work. Did I? No? Oh. You see, there's a new shoppin mall opened in Seremban 2. It's Jusco. So, I got a job at Primavera. A shoe boutique / shop whatever you want to call it. The story on how I managed to get the job is lengthy so I'll keep it to meself fer now. To make it short, a friend of mine said that the owner of that shop wanted 2 person to unload some boxes. So we were assigned to the job and while we're doin that, the owner asked if we're interested in workin with her in that shop. I said I'm currently studyin so I can't be a permanent staff but she said it'll be just fine if I want to be a part-timer. So I was in.
You heard about Metalterus debut compilation album? Yeah it's the one Fractured wanted to be in but didn't manage to. Well the compilation album will be out soon, featurin many new and unknown local metal bands so it's a good thing. Or I guess it's out already? Ah well, better check out your favourite underground music store and see if they got any. Give some support to our local scene if you can spare the money.
Speakin about local scene. We now have all the songs required to make a debut full length album. 9 original songs and 1 cover song. So our next album will have 10 songs in it. Cool aye? I sure hope so. This time, we're goin to be very carefull about the sound. If you heard our demo album you'll know why. Our plan now is to practice all the songs, do some changes if nescessary, make sure I wrote all the lyrics and if we're satisfied, only then we'll record it. This time the budget fer our recordin is higher so that we can (hopefully) have a good sound.
We have plan bout doin an official video clip too. It'll be a DIY vidz so you'll not see anythin like the european bands have though. I've picked a song to make the video clip for and it's a new song. If the plan goes out well, maybe we'll include that video in our debut CDs. I'm not quite sure if it'll be a limited copy or what but I'll tell you guys more bout it.
Still bout video clip (Uh I'm soundin more like a newscaster aye?). I think I want to upload our Gegaran Metal 2005 video. What do you think about it? Maybe I'll just serve it in Emule or Ares somethin. Ah it'll be more fun I think if I serve the new song we played. Wow. Good aye? Eh. Wait. My NIC is still kaput. Damn. Just ignore this one. Dagnammit.
The details about the November gig is still blurry but the organiser said that we're the confirmed band featured. So, it's cool. More about this later. Hey, wanna know what? Now I'm the only person who have a long hair in Fractured. Hah. Udin has snipped his hair short. Now his helicopter headbang will not be the same again. Hah. I don't do helicopter because I don't think I'm able to do it haha.
A few more bomb blast in Bali. Insane. Human are like that. Some are good but many are insane. What do this people gain by killin others? A piece of land? Dignity? This kind of thing makes me sick. No matter how much protest we make, how many signatures we collected, there will always be some people who can't just see others live peacefully. It scares me a lot. And the muslims are currently the one who's sufferin from the consequences. Now there's a widespread of racism towards the muslims. Pity them you warmonger bast*rds! Stop this madness! See Thailand? See now that the southern part is unstable and it's military law out there. Many are fleein and seekin refuge in our country now. Many countries are lookin at muslims as an image of brutality and insanity. We're not. I'm sad about this. I'm just out of words.
I want to wish all the muslims out there a barakah Ramadhan. So Ramadhan is here again. I guess many of us really missed the last sweet Ramadhan aye? Yeah it's good to be in Ramadhan again. The month where we can purify our souls. The month when we can not just help the poor and the needy, but we can feel how they feel too. Sweet sweet Ramadhan. Enjoy it. I will. One more thing. Give peace a chance. Later.
It's not that bad I guess. Well, hey, I'm studyin now. Somethin I've been wantin to do fer quite some time. Anyway. Sometime I got so flatted out I skipped a class or two. Heck this work is tirin. But the pay is good considerin that I can keep my hair and goatee. And I got paid weekly too!. There's another job opportunity I'm tryin to grab which has a lot more flexible workin hour and a hell lot of pay but the pace is slow so I have to work my current job until the time comes.
I did tell you bout my work. Did I? No? Oh. You see, there's a new shoppin mall opened in Seremban 2. It's Jusco. So, I got a job at Primavera. A shoe boutique / shop whatever you want to call it. The story on how I managed to get the job is lengthy so I'll keep it to meself fer now. To make it short, a friend of mine said that the owner of that shop wanted 2 person to unload some boxes. So we were assigned to the job and while we're doin that, the owner asked if we're interested in workin with her in that shop. I said I'm currently studyin so I can't be a permanent staff but she said it'll be just fine if I want to be a part-timer. So I was in.
You heard about Metalterus debut compilation album? Yeah it's the one Fractured wanted to be in but didn't manage to. Well the compilation album will be out soon, featurin many new and unknown local metal bands so it's a good thing. Or I guess it's out already? Ah well, better check out your favourite underground music store and see if they got any. Give some support to our local scene if you can spare the money.
Speakin about local scene. We now have all the songs required to make a debut full length album. 9 original songs and 1 cover song. So our next album will have 10 songs in it. Cool aye? I sure hope so. This time, we're goin to be very carefull about the sound. If you heard our demo album you'll know why. Our plan now is to practice all the songs, do some changes if nescessary, make sure I wrote all the lyrics and if we're satisfied, only then we'll record it. This time the budget fer our recordin is higher so that we can (hopefully) have a good sound.
We have plan bout doin an official video clip too. It'll be a DIY vidz so you'll not see anythin like the european bands have though. I've picked a song to make the video clip for and it's a new song. If the plan goes out well, maybe we'll include that video in our debut CDs. I'm not quite sure if it'll be a limited copy or what but I'll tell you guys more bout it.
Still bout video clip (Uh I'm soundin more like a newscaster aye?). I think I want to upload our Gegaran Metal 2005 video. What do you think about it? Maybe I'll just serve it in Emule or Ares somethin. Ah it'll be more fun I think if I serve the new song we played. Wow. Good aye? Eh. Wait. My NIC is still kaput. Damn. Just ignore this one. Dagnammit.
The details about the November gig is still blurry but the organiser said that we're the confirmed band featured. So, it's cool. More about this later. Hey, wanna know what? Now I'm the only person who have a long hair in Fractured. Hah. Udin has snipped his hair short. Now his helicopter headbang will not be the same again. Hah. I don't do helicopter because I don't think I'm able to do it haha.
A few more bomb blast in Bali. Insane. Human are like that. Some are good but many are insane. What do this people gain by killin others? A piece of land? Dignity? This kind of thing makes me sick. No matter how much protest we make, how many signatures we collected, there will always be some people who can't just see others live peacefully. It scares me a lot. And the muslims are currently the one who's sufferin from the consequences. Now there's a widespread of racism towards the muslims. Pity them you warmonger bast*rds! Stop this madness! See Thailand? See now that the southern part is unstable and it's military law out there. Many are fleein and seekin refuge in our country now. Many countries are lookin at muslims as an image of brutality and insanity. We're not. I'm sad about this. I'm just out of words.
I want to wish all the muslims out there a barakah Ramadhan. So Ramadhan is here again. I guess many of us really missed the last sweet Ramadhan aye? Yeah it's good to be in Ramadhan again. The month where we can purify our souls. The month when we can not just help the poor and the needy, but we can feel how they feel too. Sweet sweet Ramadhan. Enjoy it. I will. One more thing. Give peace a chance. Later.
Thursday, September 29, 2005
I'm not dead yet, Kreator's a blast! & another gig slot fer us?
Kawabunga dude! It's me again. Just when you thought I'm gone fer good huh? Ah well I've been busy with re-stabilizin my life and there's none I can do with the blowout NIC in my laptop so my internet life has been reduced drastically. But I'm writin somethin now so you can be sure I'm not gone fer good.
Anyone went to Kreator's gig held recently? I didn't but the other Fractured's members had a blast time there. Fahmi said that over 3,000 Kreator fans was there. I saw the video he took and wow, it's so happenin! Sheesh. RM70 per person and 3,000 turn out is somethin man. Well it's Kreator!
Hear ye, hear ye. The Gegaran Metal 2005 gig might not be the last Fractured show fer this year. Talks with Fadzil from MusikBox exposed that we might be playin in November. Yeoowww. Am I happy? You can be damn sure I am. We've been practicin our new songs and we're plannin on doin a full-lenght album early next year. So, you guys can hear a few more of our new songs this November. This time, make sure you come! Yeah this goes to you too Isman.
I'm in the middle of the class right now so I better stop right here. Expect more rantings from me again. Later!
Anyone went to Kreator's gig held recently? I didn't but the other Fractured's members had a blast time there. Fahmi said that over 3,000 Kreator fans was there. I saw the video he took and wow, it's so happenin! Sheesh. RM70 per person and 3,000 turn out is somethin man. Well it's Kreator!
Hear ye, hear ye. The Gegaran Metal 2005 gig might not be the last Fractured show fer this year. Talks with Fadzil from MusikBox exposed that we might be playin in November. Yeoowww. Am I happy? You can be damn sure I am. We've been practicin our new songs and we're plannin on doin a full-lenght album early next year. So, you guys can hear a few more of our new songs this November. This time, make sure you come! Yeah this goes to you too Isman.
I'm in the middle of the class right now so I better stop right here. Expect more rantings from me again. Later!
Monday, September 12, 2005
Dagnammit. I fergot to bring my diskette. Yeah that diskette which I always use to transfer my blog I wrote. Ah. So do you miss me? No? Ah well. I'm currently busy with preparin to study, my upcomin work, my new career path etc. New career path? Yup. I'm not goin to write it here because I wrote about it yesterday and it's quite a lengthy one too. So you'll have to wait fer a few more days.
How's my work? None currently. I have a job offer but the problem is, the job is in Ipoh and I have to travel every weekend if I took that job. Yeah I had to do the job on weekend because I'll be a student remember? Anyway, I won't write anythin long now and today I have quite a bunch of things to write. So, I'm goin. Later.
How's my work? None currently. I have a job offer but the problem is, the job is in Ipoh and I have to travel every weekend if I took that job. Yeah I had to do the job on weekend because I'll be a student remember? Anyway, I won't write anythin long now and today I have quite a bunch of things to write. So, I'm goin. Later.
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Me & MLM
"There's no guarantee". At long last, I can now accept that word. Now I can surely accept that just by workin in other person's company, employed no matter how hardworkin I am, how smart I am, there's no guarantee that my position, my job in the company is secured. It's a bitter reality I'm willin to swallow now. To think of it, I'm kind of fed up with workin in someone else's company. Workin my arse off fer someone else. Ah! It's such a relief to spit that out. What got into me you might ask? Well, now I found a way to earn my own income without botherin meself to wake up dead early in the mornin, to make sure my punch card isn't red everyday, to hear any complaints from my peer whatsoever. Yeah it got somethin to do with my-own-business. Ironically, it was somethin that I hated fer 27 years. It's a Multi Level Marketing (MLM) and the company is Gano Excel.
Wait! Don't skip readin just yet. Like I've stated before, I used to hate all MLM companies. Even direct sellin companies. Not a "I want to kill them" kind of hate but the "I will never get meself involved in it" kind of hate. And now, a few month ago to be exact; I changed my perspective. Firstly, I'm more informed about MLM (MLM is not the same as Direct Selling.) and the main point is, I can see the way to achieve somethin in it. Beware, this post today will most probably get on your nerves like mosquitoes because I won't spare any biased (but factual) informations about my new money-makin path, the MLM and the company I'm gettin meself into, Gano Excel.
I'm just tired of goin fer interviews, workin 8++hours per day, gettin a so-so paycheck and bein dumped when I needed the cold hard cash the most. Like the state I'm in. It's a bitter experience and I've it's not my 1st time. To find a replacement job, quein to get an interview and hopin that the cycle will start again rollin at the same place. Pfft. Not to mention competin with the fresh graduates, SPM holders and such which is increasin every year unlike jobs opportunities which is, uhm, maybe 60++ people competin fer 1 job. Yeah not every person who left the unis, school, colleges will have a job. It's so true. That is reality. Even if you have a good job right now, who can guarantee that joy ride is reserved fer you fer as long as you want? It's just a matter of time fer your boss to give you the resignation letter and give your seat to someone fresh, energetic fer whatever reason he can think of. I'm experiencin that. Again and again. So, if I can help somebody else's business with such uncertainty why can't I make my own business and put the same effort and hope that the outcome will be better? The answer is yes, I can. And it's not impossible to receive more from the same effort!
Take this fer an example. I work in a company with a RM1000 pay per month. All the workin habits aside like punch card, long workin hours aside, I might be happy workin with a stable increment of my salary every year. Sounds good eh? It's a mixed feelin now considerin that the normal increment pay would be around RM50. Per year!. So I work my arse's off fer 5 years and all of the sudden, the company can't keep me anymore. So I got about RM1250 until I was told to 'make room fer changes' or 'make a career change fer the best' and boom!, I was left with zero. ZERO! It'll be great if I can have a new job, with the same workin preference and a startup pay the same amount as the last amount I got. But that'll be a modern fairy tales. In reality, I will have to accept any offer without any objection about the amount the new company are willin to pay me because, like what I've wrote earlier, it's either me grabbin that job no question asked or I can let another 59 eligible person to take it. So what if I took the job. How long will the company keep me this time? 1 year? 2?
Ah, I got the point. Workin fer somebody else is ok as long as I feel that I'm secured with it. As long as I feel that my future will be bright and all my financial problems will be at ease because my job will always be mine. Luckily, I don't that way anymore. Workin fer someone else and givin my all to it alone will never guarantee any secure financial solution fer me. Nu uh. So the solution is, make my own business.
As stated in hadith, business is one good duty. The outcome is based on your performance and there's no fixed limit on how much money one person can make out of it. It's because, I will be the one who'll set how much salary I can get and I'll be followin my protocol and mine alone. Sounds fun but the type of business and my capability on doin and runnin the business is the thing that counts. I won't say anythin about risk because if we look at things, everythin have their own risk. Not just in business. Even our love live have risks. It's just the matter of minimisin and cheatin it. So what business should I do? With the current financial situation I'm in, fer sure I can't just open up my own boutique or a resort can I? So I would have to choose a business with a low startup overhead, a business with good products, a business with a clear long term direction and a business which can guarantee my survivality. So fer me, that business is Gano Excel.
I'll not go in detail about the company as you can conveniently browse their website and read about them from there. From what I know, Gano Excel is based in Kedah, Malaysia. Yeah. They are our local MLM company. Fer some of people, the word 'local' is like reserved fer somethin with lack of quality or standard. Pfft. Now read this. This local company is currently havin a strong presence in 31 countries. 31 countries dude! With the latest 2 bein Korea and Japan in the final phase of startin the operation. Now tell me we shouldn't be proud of that. Fer those who live in Kedah or near the place. Go and see Gano Excel's Ganoderma farm fer yourself. It's huge! And currently the farm is expandin fer almost twice it current size. Because of what? Because of the strong demand lah.
I nearly fergot to say anythin about Ganoderma. In chinese, it's called Lingzhi. Yeah it's that red mushroom. Gano Excel, from that name we can be sure that the products will have somethin to do with that Ganoderma plant. That plant is one miracle herb. I'll not lengthen this post with the benefits of that product because you can read it from the official website. In short, it has a great medical value. And by choosin to get involved in medical business, I know I'm walkin in the right path. Why? Because people always neglect their health when they're healthy until they got sick. That's the other truth. And take this fer an example, no matter what, the need fer medical related stuff with continue to grow unlike other things. Have you seen any hospital got closed down, or smallen in size? No. Think about that.
My post is long enough. Heh. It's more like a shameless advertisement huh? Yeah well, like I've said earlier. I'll be biased (as usual). Oh I didn't even write anythin about Gano Excel's marketin plan, the most sought after information fer you MLM people out there. Fer that, you have to find out fer yourself. Gano Excel's seminar are frequent nowadays and it won't hurt anybody to go and listen to it. But from what I've learned so far. It's all about money. So it's good. I was goin to make this MLM as a backup plan and a side income but after I went to my team's meetin today, I'm choosin this as my main income plan. And if I can achieve my secret target, this will be my only source of income. Fer the record, a 19 years old girl got involved with Gano Excel and now she's doin her MLM business with a 5 digits income. Another thing to ponder, some people want health, some people want money, but if you're given a choice, why don't you choose both? Later then. MY205903 signin out ;).
p/s: You might read bout the 'batu karang' I experienced before. Yeah well I drank Gano Cafe and a few days after that I was shown the sign that I have batu karang. It's one the reason why I'm into this thingy now.
Wait! Don't skip readin just yet. Like I've stated before, I used to hate all MLM companies. Even direct sellin companies. Not a "I want to kill them" kind of hate but the "I will never get meself involved in it" kind of hate. And now, a few month ago to be exact; I changed my perspective. Firstly, I'm more informed about MLM (MLM is not the same as Direct Selling.) and the main point is, I can see the way to achieve somethin in it. Beware, this post today will most probably get on your nerves like mosquitoes because I won't spare any biased (but factual) informations about my new money-makin path, the MLM and the company I'm gettin meself into, Gano Excel.
I'm just tired of goin fer interviews, workin 8++hours per day, gettin a so-so paycheck and bein dumped when I needed the cold hard cash the most. Like the state I'm in. It's a bitter experience and I've it's not my 1st time. To find a replacement job, quein to get an interview and hopin that the cycle will start again rollin at the same place. Pfft. Not to mention competin with the fresh graduates, SPM holders and such which is increasin every year unlike jobs opportunities which is, uhm, maybe 60++ people competin fer 1 job. Yeah not every person who left the unis, school, colleges will have a job. It's so true. That is reality. Even if you have a good job right now, who can guarantee that joy ride is reserved fer you fer as long as you want? It's just a matter of time fer your boss to give you the resignation letter and give your seat to someone fresh, energetic fer whatever reason he can think of. I'm experiencin that. Again and again. So, if I can help somebody else's business with such uncertainty why can't I make my own business and put the same effort and hope that the outcome will be better? The answer is yes, I can. And it's not impossible to receive more from the same effort!
Take this fer an example. I work in a company with a RM1000 pay per month. All the workin habits aside like punch card, long workin hours aside, I might be happy workin with a stable increment of my salary every year. Sounds good eh? It's a mixed feelin now considerin that the normal increment pay would be around RM50. Per year!. So I work my arse's off fer 5 years and all of the sudden, the company can't keep me anymore. So I got about RM1250 until I was told to 'make room fer changes' or 'make a career change fer the best' and boom!, I was left with zero. ZERO! It'll be great if I can have a new job, with the same workin preference and a startup pay the same amount as the last amount I got. But that'll be a modern fairy tales. In reality, I will have to accept any offer without any objection about the amount the new company are willin to pay me because, like what I've wrote earlier, it's either me grabbin that job no question asked or I can let another 59 eligible person to take it. So what if I took the job. How long will the company keep me this time? 1 year? 2?
Ah, I got the point. Workin fer somebody else is ok as long as I feel that I'm secured with it. As long as I feel that my future will be bright and all my financial problems will be at ease because my job will always be mine. Luckily, I don't that way anymore. Workin fer someone else and givin my all to it alone will never guarantee any secure financial solution fer me. Nu uh. So the solution is, make my own business.
As stated in hadith, business is one good duty. The outcome is based on your performance and there's no fixed limit on how much money one person can make out of it. It's because, I will be the one who'll set how much salary I can get and I'll be followin my protocol and mine alone. Sounds fun but the type of business and my capability on doin and runnin the business is the thing that counts. I won't say anythin about risk because if we look at things, everythin have their own risk. Not just in business. Even our love live have risks. It's just the matter of minimisin and cheatin it. So what business should I do? With the current financial situation I'm in, fer sure I can't just open up my own boutique or a resort can I? So I would have to choose a business with a low startup overhead, a business with good products, a business with a clear long term direction and a business which can guarantee my survivality. So fer me, that business is Gano Excel.
I'll not go in detail about the company as you can conveniently browse their website and read about them from there. From what I know, Gano Excel is based in Kedah, Malaysia. Yeah. They are our local MLM company. Fer some of people, the word 'local' is like reserved fer somethin with lack of quality or standard. Pfft. Now read this. This local company is currently havin a strong presence in 31 countries. 31 countries dude! With the latest 2 bein Korea and Japan in the final phase of startin the operation. Now tell me we shouldn't be proud of that. Fer those who live in Kedah or near the place. Go and see Gano Excel's Ganoderma farm fer yourself. It's huge! And currently the farm is expandin fer almost twice it current size. Because of what? Because of the strong demand lah.
I nearly fergot to say anythin about Ganoderma. In chinese, it's called Lingzhi. Yeah it's that red mushroom. Gano Excel, from that name we can be sure that the products will have somethin to do with that Ganoderma plant. That plant is one miracle herb. I'll not lengthen this post with the benefits of that product because you can read it from the official website. In short, it has a great medical value. And by choosin to get involved in medical business, I know I'm walkin in the right path. Why? Because people always neglect their health when they're healthy until they got sick. That's the other truth. And take this fer an example, no matter what, the need fer medical related stuff with continue to grow unlike other things. Have you seen any hospital got closed down, or smallen in size? No. Think about that.
My post is long enough. Heh. It's more like a shameless advertisement huh? Yeah well, like I've said earlier. I'll be biased (as usual). Oh I didn't even write anythin about Gano Excel's marketin plan, the most sought after information fer you MLM people out there. Fer that, you have to find out fer yourself. Gano Excel's seminar are frequent nowadays and it won't hurt anybody to go and listen to it. But from what I've learned so far. It's all about money. So it's good. I was goin to make this MLM as a backup plan and a side income but after I went to my team's meetin today, I'm choosin this as my main income plan. And if I can achieve my secret target, this will be my only source of income. Fer the record, a 19 years old girl got involved with Gano Excel and now she's doin her MLM business with a 5 digits income. Another thing to ponder, some people want health, some people want money, but if you're given a choice, why don't you choose both? Later then. MY205903 signin out ;).
p/s: You might read bout the 'batu karang' I experienced before. Yeah well I drank Gano Cafe and a few days after that I was shown the sign that I have batu karang. It's one the reason why I'm into this thingy now.
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Me, Momoe and Pangkor. Unforgettable moments. (Plus a bit of a simple guide fer would-be tourist.)
Pangkor was great. Unspeakably magnificent. Well yes one of the main point of why it's so great is that I'm with someone that I love and that makes it even better. I'm at home right now and I'm missin the experiences so bad. Not to mention I miss Momoe too. 7 days of a total dream getaway. Pangkor is a romantic island. Beautiful and cozy. I feel so sad to leave the place. The sound of the wave is still resoundin in my head continuously. And now I'm back and the torture is unbearable. Such a sweet memories. I feel like the time cheated and jealous of that good moments I was havin back there in Pangkor.
Me and Momoe, we went to Pangkor on 17th of August, takin a direct bus trip from Seremban to Lumut which cost about RM24.00 per person. There's only 2 bus trip from Seremban to Pangkor, 9:45AM and 5:00PM so we took the early trip. The journey is about 6hours. The view isn't that great because it's highway almost all the way but heck Momoe is beside me so there's nothin more that I want. That's more than enough.
Lumut bus station is basically near the jetty area so it's not hard to find the place to get ferry. A ferry trip cost about RM5.00 per person and the trip is not more than 30 minutes. We didn't have time to go around Lumut but I guess the place is not that big. It's a lovely place fer sure. The sight of the open sea is very temptin. There's a TLDM (Tentera Laut DiRaja Malaysia, Malaysian Royal Navy) port there so seein a few navy is a common sight. From Lumut, the ferry will stop at 2 ports with the last port bein the place which common tourist will disembark. Followin Momoe's Pangkor travel guide, we went to Teluk Nipah by taxi (pink vans!) fer RM10.00 fer both of us.
The trip by taxi from Pangkor's jetty to Teluk Nipah is about 10 minutes with the road bein alongside the sea line so the sight is very beautiful. Simply gorgeous. Teluk Nipah is a popular spot fer beach lovers with many resorts from the luxury type to the budget traveller's choice. We opted fer Havana Beach Resort (the 1st resort after we arrive to Teluk Nipah.) which is located near the beach. We wanted to stay at Palma Beach Resort near the centre of Teluk Nipah, but after encounterin a few problems, Havana was the more suitable choice. Bein less than 20 metres from the beach, Havana is not a bad choice at all. The room is good with workin water heater and electric kettle is provided. Oh theres even a big TV with Astro inside. Simple but very cozy.
Although Havana didn't provide us with breakfast (except fer Saturday onward.) nor there's any cafe inside the resort, it's nothin to worry because there's many place to fill our stomach scattered around Teluk Nipah. It'll take only a brief walk to go to many restaurant. The Havana's receptionist recommended us TJ Restaurant, which is just a few minutes walk from our resort and the food is really good. There's another spot which is also our favourite near the center of the beach but I don't know the name of the restaurant. As fer the price, it's just like the normal price around Malaysia and most of the time, the seafood price is much more cheaper. There's cats at TJ so everytime me and Momoe was there, Momoe would go to the cats and play with them. Yeah Momoe, I think the cats is missin you too dear. As fer tea time, me and Momoe just stick to DIY tea (which she brought with her plus a few sachettes of tea with many flavors her friend gave to me as a present.) and snacks. The weather was fine all around and watchin the sea while sippin tea with the 2 of us is simply superb.
On the 1st day there, we're just fillin out the time with walkin around Teluk Nipah, havin dinner and restin in our room because we're practically tired of the journey. We wanted to go out later that night but the resort's gate was locked and the person in charge was sleepin so we're stuck inside and have to make do with another restin time in the room. Beware though, mosquito are a bunch so you might want to bring along a mosquito repellent or anythin if you don't like the air-conditioner to be too cold fer you. Fer us, Momoe brought a small (as small as a car perfume like Glide's.) mosquito repellent device which uses battery and fer a continuous use, it's a 3 days heaven fer us without mosquito.
The next day was the day of enjoyin the beach. The Teluk Nipah beach is beautiful. Because it's weekday, there's not that many people around and it's great. The beach spot infront of Havana is even better because its located on the side of Teluk Nipah and the popular spot was around the center so there's just a few of people who'll be there.
There's another beautiful beach nearby, the Coral Bay. Coral Bay is just a few minutes walk from Teluk Nipah and the people there is even fewer. The water is beautifully green and it's a romantic place to lay down with Momoe watchin the sea, hearin the wave and smellin the fresh saltwater air. Unlike Teluk Nipah, Coral Bay doesn't have any active shops so we bought all the snacks we needed from Teluk Nipah instead. We had to move our picnic mat a few times though because the water level got high in the evenin. I can remember seein a crab on Coral Bay, who's tryin to get an evenin food and Momoe tried to get near the crab but the crab was too fast fer her. The crab would go out of it's hole and everytime Momoe move, the crab would dash into the hole quickly. It's cute. Both of them ;).
There's 2 small island infront of Teluk Nipah, to the left is Mentangor Island and the other one is uhm.. I don't know. The other island is smaller than Mentangor and it's the favourite spot fer snorkelin. The only way to get there is by usin water transportation like boats (RM20 per person, may get hiked if it's weekend.) and kayak (I don't know the cost because Momoe wouldn't allow me to go kayak, wah! :P). If you take a boat, the boatman will take you to a brief tour around the area and give a bit of informations about the places nearby. Cool. The island is so small that it only have a burger stall on it. But the snorkelin experience there was heaven. We tried snorkelin there and we both fell in love with it. The view is gorgeous. The colorfull fishes just puts us in a trance spell. When we arrived to the snorkelin island, the boatman asked fer the duration of our stay there so he could pick us up and when the time is up, we extended the stay fer another 1 1/2 hour because it's so great to be there. It's recommended if you could bring your own set of snorkelin equipment like goggle, snorkel and others because some of the equipment provided by the boatman might not the in the optimum condition. We went to the small island again on the next day, this time we said that we wanted to stay fer 4 hours and again, we extended the stay to another 1 1/2 hour when the time is up because Ahhhhhhh! we love the place and the fishes so much! I had a few piece of bread and it's magnificent to see the fishes takin a bite at the bread I thrown. If you're at Teluk Nipah, go to the small island and experience that. It's an unspeakable pleasure.
Momoe wanted to see around the island so we rented a motorbike. Yeah you can rent bicycle too fer less cost. A standard 4-stroke cub motorbike is RM30.00 fer 24 hours with scooter bein more expensive. Bein a holiday island, you can ride the motorbike without wearin helmet nearby but it's better to be safe. The road there is not that wide and many of the places have a pretty hilly track so it's better to check if the brakes are workin. Fillin up a RM2 worth of petrol, we travelled around the island and have a few more kilometre's worth of petrol to go. It's good. There's many resorts scattered around Pangkor and the small Pangkor town is nice. There's many seafood-snack shops and souveniers too. There's a police station near the town and firestation there too, but I rarely see any policeman at Teluk Nipah. I guess the island is so safe. And from our experiences, the island is safe. The only bad things there is just mosquitos. While ridin the bike, me and Momoe found many other good beaches and I even had the chance to find some nice seashells fer my present to Momoe. While it's quite hard to get lost in Pangkor, it's good to have a map or a guide book. As fer me, I have Momoe. She have a great sense of direction, even way better than me. It's funny because she's the one who'll tell me which direction to go etc. and I am the one who's a Malaysian. Sheesh.
There's 2 lookout points nearby Teluk Nipah if you wanted to see sunset. We haven't had the chance to see sunset but we went to one of the lookout points and the view is splendid. The view when the sun sets must be even way gorgeous. We can see a few fisherman's village on our bike journey and it's cool. Fer me, the bike journey with Momoe is one of the romantic thing. If you're there, rent a bike and go on a bike trip around the island with your loved one. It's an experience.
After extendin our stay in Pangkor fer another day, we left Pangkor on Monday 22nd. I wouldn't go to the details because it's somewhat emotional fer both of us. We fell in love with Pangkor and it's sad to be leavin. Pangkor have all the things we needed fer a nice beach vacation. Boat ride, snorkelin, fishin, kayakin, sun tannin etc. If it's not because of Momoe, I don't know if I'll ever go to Pangkor. And now I've experienced it, I know what Pangkor is truly a nice dream getaway. All made complete with my loved one, Momoe by my side. Such an unforgettable memories. Later.
Me and Momoe, we went to Pangkor on 17th of August, takin a direct bus trip from Seremban to Lumut which cost about RM24.00 per person. There's only 2 bus trip from Seremban to Pangkor, 9:45AM and 5:00PM so we took the early trip. The journey is about 6hours. The view isn't that great because it's highway almost all the way but heck Momoe is beside me so there's nothin more that I want. That's more than enough.
Lumut bus station is basically near the jetty area so it's not hard to find the place to get ferry. A ferry trip cost about RM5.00 per person and the trip is not more than 30 minutes. We didn't have time to go around Lumut but I guess the place is not that big. It's a lovely place fer sure. The sight of the open sea is very temptin. There's a TLDM (Tentera Laut DiRaja Malaysia, Malaysian Royal Navy) port there so seein a few navy is a common sight. From Lumut, the ferry will stop at 2 ports with the last port bein the place which common tourist will disembark. Followin Momoe's Pangkor travel guide, we went to Teluk Nipah by taxi (pink vans!) fer RM10.00 fer both of us.
The trip by taxi from Pangkor's jetty to Teluk Nipah is about 10 minutes with the road bein alongside the sea line so the sight is very beautiful. Simply gorgeous. Teluk Nipah is a popular spot fer beach lovers with many resorts from the luxury type to the budget traveller's choice. We opted fer Havana Beach Resort (the 1st resort after we arrive to Teluk Nipah.) which is located near the beach. We wanted to stay at Palma Beach Resort near the centre of Teluk Nipah, but after encounterin a few problems, Havana was the more suitable choice. Bein less than 20 metres from the beach, Havana is not a bad choice at all. The room is good with workin water heater and electric kettle is provided. Oh theres even a big TV with Astro inside. Simple but very cozy.
Although Havana didn't provide us with breakfast (except fer Saturday onward.) nor there's any cafe inside the resort, it's nothin to worry because there's many place to fill our stomach scattered around Teluk Nipah. It'll take only a brief walk to go to many restaurant. The Havana's receptionist recommended us TJ Restaurant, which is just a few minutes walk from our resort and the food is really good. There's another spot which is also our favourite near the center of the beach but I don't know the name of the restaurant. As fer the price, it's just like the normal price around Malaysia and most of the time, the seafood price is much more cheaper. There's cats at TJ so everytime me and Momoe was there, Momoe would go to the cats and play with them. Yeah Momoe, I think the cats is missin you too dear. As fer tea time, me and Momoe just stick to DIY tea (which she brought with her plus a few sachettes of tea with many flavors her friend gave to me as a present.) and snacks. The weather was fine all around and watchin the sea while sippin tea with the 2 of us is simply superb.
On the 1st day there, we're just fillin out the time with walkin around Teluk Nipah, havin dinner and restin in our room because we're practically tired of the journey. We wanted to go out later that night but the resort's gate was locked and the person in charge was sleepin so we're stuck inside and have to make do with another restin time in the room. Beware though, mosquito are a bunch so you might want to bring along a mosquito repellent or anythin if you don't like the air-conditioner to be too cold fer you. Fer us, Momoe brought a small (as small as a car perfume like Glide's.) mosquito repellent device which uses battery and fer a continuous use, it's a 3 days heaven fer us without mosquito.
The next day was the day of enjoyin the beach. The Teluk Nipah beach is beautiful. Because it's weekday, there's not that many people around and it's great. The beach spot infront of Havana is even better because its located on the side of Teluk Nipah and the popular spot was around the center so there's just a few of people who'll be there.
There's another beautiful beach nearby, the Coral Bay. Coral Bay is just a few minutes walk from Teluk Nipah and the people there is even fewer. The water is beautifully green and it's a romantic place to lay down with Momoe watchin the sea, hearin the wave and smellin the fresh saltwater air. Unlike Teluk Nipah, Coral Bay doesn't have any active shops so we bought all the snacks we needed from Teluk Nipah instead. We had to move our picnic mat a few times though because the water level got high in the evenin. I can remember seein a crab on Coral Bay, who's tryin to get an evenin food and Momoe tried to get near the crab but the crab was too fast fer her. The crab would go out of it's hole and everytime Momoe move, the crab would dash into the hole quickly. It's cute. Both of them ;).
There's 2 small island infront of Teluk Nipah, to the left is Mentangor Island and the other one is uhm.. I don't know. The other island is smaller than Mentangor and it's the favourite spot fer snorkelin. The only way to get there is by usin water transportation like boats (RM20 per person, may get hiked if it's weekend.) and kayak (I don't know the cost because Momoe wouldn't allow me to go kayak, wah! :P). If you take a boat, the boatman will take you to a brief tour around the area and give a bit of informations about the places nearby. Cool. The island is so small that it only have a burger stall on it. But the snorkelin experience there was heaven. We tried snorkelin there and we both fell in love with it. The view is gorgeous. The colorfull fishes just puts us in a trance spell. When we arrived to the snorkelin island, the boatman asked fer the duration of our stay there so he could pick us up and when the time is up, we extended the stay fer another 1 1/2 hour because it's so great to be there. It's recommended if you could bring your own set of snorkelin equipment like goggle, snorkel and others because some of the equipment provided by the boatman might not the in the optimum condition. We went to the small island again on the next day, this time we said that we wanted to stay fer 4 hours and again, we extended the stay to another 1 1/2 hour when the time is up because Ahhhhhhh! we love the place and the fishes so much! I had a few piece of bread and it's magnificent to see the fishes takin a bite at the bread I thrown. If you're at Teluk Nipah, go to the small island and experience that. It's an unspeakable pleasure.
Momoe wanted to see around the island so we rented a motorbike. Yeah you can rent bicycle too fer less cost. A standard 4-stroke cub motorbike is RM30.00 fer 24 hours with scooter bein more expensive. Bein a holiday island, you can ride the motorbike without wearin helmet nearby but it's better to be safe. The road there is not that wide and many of the places have a pretty hilly track so it's better to check if the brakes are workin. Fillin up a RM2 worth of petrol, we travelled around the island and have a few more kilometre's worth of petrol to go. It's good. There's many resorts scattered around Pangkor and the small Pangkor town is nice. There's many seafood-snack shops and souveniers too. There's a police station near the town and firestation there too, but I rarely see any policeman at Teluk Nipah. I guess the island is so safe. And from our experiences, the island is safe. The only bad things there is just mosquitos. While ridin the bike, me and Momoe found many other good beaches and I even had the chance to find some nice seashells fer my present to Momoe. While it's quite hard to get lost in Pangkor, it's good to have a map or a guide book. As fer me, I have Momoe. She have a great sense of direction, even way better than me. It's funny because she's the one who'll tell me which direction to go etc. and I am the one who's a Malaysian. Sheesh.
There's 2 lookout points nearby Teluk Nipah if you wanted to see sunset. We haven't had the chance to see sunset but we went to one of the lookout points and the view is splendid. The view when the sun sets must be even way gorgeous. We can see a few fisherman's village on our bike journey and it's cool. Fer me, the bike journey with Momoe is one of the romantic thing. If you're there, rent a bike and go on a bike trip around the island with your loved one. It's an experience.
After extendin our stay in Pangkor fer another day, we left Pangkor on Monday 22nd. I wouldn't go to the details because it's somewhat emotional fer both of us. We fell in love with Pangkor and it's sad to be leavin. Pangkor have all the things we needed fer a nice beach vacation. Boat ride, snorkelin, fishin, kayakin, sun tannin etc. If it's not because of Momoe, I don't know if I'll ever go to Pangkor. And now I've experienced it, I know what Pangkor is truly a nice dream getaway. All made complete with my loved one, Momoe by my side. Such an unforgettable memories. Later.
Saturday, August 27, 2005
I'm back & studyin startin from 12th September
Hey. I'm back and sweet dreams are over. Pangkor was absolutely great, me and Momoe had a great time. I'll tell you more bout it later (because I wrote a blog bout it and left it in a diskette at home.) and all I can say is, 8 days date with Momoe felt so fast. I can still hear waves in my head. I can still smell the salty air and I keep on thinkin that everytime I wake up, I'll see Momoe's sweet face again. *sigh*. Now, everythin is empty. I missed Pangkor. And most of all, I miss Momoe.
Looks like I'll be studyin after all. Startin from 12th September, I'll be meltin my braincells again after all this years. It's a good thing and the only thing left fer me to do now is to find a job with a flexible workin hour so that I can focus on my studies while workin at the same time. Well, not literary 'at the same time' but you know what I mean. I'll just be studyin fer 2 hours per day so I might get a deal with the car company I told you before. The company's boss said that he'll ring me after his vacation soon, before September arrive.
I got no more to write now. The Pangkor experience will be posted soon I hope. Ah, I remember that at this hour, me and Momoe will be walkin near the seashore after takin dinner at TJ's. Yeah Momoe, I miss TJ's cats too. Later.
Looks like I'll be studyin after all. Startin from 12th September, I'll be meltin my braincells again after all this years. It's a good thing and the only thing left fer me to do now is to find a job with a flexible workin hour so that I can focus on my studies while workin at the same time. Well, not literary 'at the same time' but you know what I mean. I'll just be studyin fer 2 hours per day so I might get a deal with the car company I told you before. The company's boss said that he'll ring me after his vacation soon, before September arrive.
I got no more to write now. The Pangkor experience will be posted soon I hope. Ah, I remember that at this hour, me and Momoe will be walkin near the seashore after takin dinner at TJ's. Yeah Momoe, I miss TJ's cats too. Later.
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
How's you API? Yeah it's the "Air Pollution Index". Here it's about 200 somethin I guess. Not quite sure. Klang is lookin pretty bad on the news. Why the heck is Indonesian aren't doin anythin to put out their forest fires? Is it because the wind is blowin to our shore so they won't suffer as bad as us? Sheesh. It's gettin worst everyday. In fact it's gettin so dangerous that some of the worst affected areas will be on 'darurat'. I don't know what 'darurat' in english so don't ask.
I went to the bank and the cheque is not yet cleared. Sheesh. So I can't pay the car yet. I hope tomorrow will bring a good news.
This bad air pollution is makin me coughin. Now where the heck is my ciggy? Ciow!
I went to the bank and the cheque is not yet cleared. Sheesh. So I can't pay the car yet. I hope tomorrow will bring a good news.
This bad air pollution is makin me coughin. Now where the heck is my ciggy? Ciow!
Monday, August 08, 2005
Kreator in KL! Preparin fer recordin & foggy days.
Yeah I know I'm a bit late on this. But I don't care so I'll write bout it anyhow. Yeah dudes and dudettes, Kreator is comin to town!. This Concert List says that they'll be comin to Kuala Lumpur on 25th September. Fractured will be the openin act. Ok I was jokin bout us bein the openin act. The guys (Fractured) will all be there except fer me. I will most probably be nowhere near that place because I'm broke. :D. But it might change so who knows. Maybe you'll see me on the front row of the headbangers.
Speakin bout music stuff, I guess our (Fractured) last show in KL was the end of our 2005 schedule (pffttt. Sounds like we're on tour or somethin.. 'schedule'. pfftt.). Seems like there's no more offer fer us this year so we might as well concentrate on our new songs and gettin ready to go fer recordin. We currently have 3 new songs (We played 1 of our new songs at the Gegaran Metal gig. So that makes you 'rugi sebab tak datang :P'!). This time around, we've up-the-ante on our recordin budget. Time time we're focusin more on quality sound because that's the most critics we heard from our demo album. Hopefully our next full length album will be released next year.
Foggy. Such a foggy day. The only good thing I can think bout it is that it's not as sunny as most of the hot days. That's where the good things end. Damn it's so hot instead! It's like livin in a microwave. Not to mention that it's bad fer the lungs. Oh yeah ciggy do that too but let's just stick to the fog issue aye? It's worsened by the fact that rain is not that frequent anymore. Includin the ever-goin water ration, it's bloody hot. I miss the time I can just let the tab water runnin and bath meself fer hours. Ever my car didn't get its required shower fer quite a long time. Ah well. Just live it.
Can't wait fer PANGKOR! Later then
Speakin bout music stuff, I guess our (Fractured) last show in KL was the end of our 2005 schedule (pffttt. Sounds like we're on tour or somethin.. 'schedule'. pfftt.). Seems like there's no more offer fer us this year so we might as well concentrate on our new songs and gettin ready to go fer recordin. We currently have 3 new songs (We played 1 of our new songs at the Gegaran Metal gig. So that makes you 'rugi sebab tak datang :P'!). This time around, we've up-the-ante on our recordin budget. Time time we're focusin more on quality sound because that's the most critics we heard from our demo album. Hopefully our next full length album will be released next year.
Foggy. Such a foggy day. The only good thing I can think bout it is that it's not as sunny as most of the hot days. That's where the good things end. Damn it's so hot instead! It's like livin in a microwave. Not to mention that it's bad fer the lungs. Oh yeah ciggy do that too but let's just stick to the fog issue aye? It's worsened by the fact that rain is not that frequent anymore. Includin the ever-goin water ration, it's bloody hot. I miss the time I can just let the tab water runnin and bath meself fer hours. Ever my car didn't get its required shower fer quite a long time. Ah well. Just live it.
Can't wait fer PANGKOR! Later then
Friday, August 05, 2005
Ex-school memories, will PTPTN accept me? & darn, it's a 'AC-Payee Only' cheque...
I went to my ex-school today. Haha. It was funny. I saw 1 of my old teacher. He's still the same like 10 years ago and seems like he haven't aged a bit. The 'text-book' issue was settled because the person incharge fer if started teachin there on 2000 and all the text-book I lost is history. Nobody knows the price or if it's ever will be published anymore and usin her persuasive approach, Kak Ayu won the jackpot and I don't have to pay a penny. Hehe. Still, there's somethin that's botherin me. There's only 1 certificate fer SPVM so the missin 3 subjects is mind bogglin. I still remember I took the 'Lukisan Geometri & Pendawaian' (Geometry & Wiring Plan) test because I took 9/10 of the test time drawin a bungalow house and left me with not enough time to do the wirin plan. Hahaha. Okay funny stories behind. Where the heck is the other 3 subjects? It's stated that any subject with 9 aggregate will not be listed in the certificate but hell I don't think I flunked all 3 Electrical subjects! I passed the Electrical MLVK Level 1 test with flyin colors and it was harder than that. Drats.
But it's somehow very hard to trace back now because the school is no longer a Vokasional (Vokasional was replaced with Teknik now.) and almost all of the old teachers, administration staff and even the Principal is gone now. My bad, I didn't take the result's slip when it was released a few weeks after SPVM exam which list all the details about all the subjects I took so I'm clueless (my ex-teacher, the un-aged guy I told you before was dragged into the issue too. Thanks to me. And his mind boggled too. :D) to what had happen with all the 3 Electrical subjects. I can accept it if I blew the Geometry bla bla test but the other two? Electrical Theory and Wiring? Ho no I don't think I blew that too. But hey, it's a 10 years old stuff, the school is different now and it's not easy to find a decent solution. Fer now, I'm hopin that the certificate I took is enough fer me to get me a seat in Informatic. It's the only chance I get fer studyin again.
Talkin bout studyin. Kak Ayu will call PTPTN soon to ask bout my status. Can PTPTN accept my application? The answer will be known soon. Still, I'll most probably start my studies this September. With or without a study loan. Ah well, PTPTN is not the only loan provider there is. Oh Kak Ayu said that to me so I'm just repeatin it. :D. Ah, such a happy face aye. It's a rarity.
I haven't paid the car yet because I got a cheque which has to be credited into my bank account and not a cash-cheque. *sigh*. So next Monday, BCF staff from KL, the same consistent lady who called me every month to remind me of the car's payment will surely be glad to dial my number again. Ouch. But hey no worries. I have the money but it's not with me right now. Sounds like a good answer? I sure hope so. It sounded more like a drug dealin movie script though. Later then.
But it's somehow very hard to trace back now because the school is no longer a Vokasional (Vokasional was replaced with Teknik now.) and almost all of the old teachers, administration staff and even the Principal is gone now. My bad, I didn't take the result's slip when it was released a few weeks after SPVM exam which list all the details about all the subjects I took so I'm clueless (my ex-teacher, the un-aged guy I told you before was dragged into the issue too. Thanks to me. And his mind boggled too. :D) to what had happen with all the 3 Electrical subjects. I can accept it if I blew the Geometry bla bla test but the other two? Electrical Theory and Wiring? Ho no I don't think I blew that too. But hey, it's a 10 years old stuff, the school is different now and it's not easy to find a decent solution. Fer now, I'm hopin that the certificate I took is enough fer me to get me a seat in Informatic. It's the only chance I get fer studyin again.
Talkin bout studyin. Kak Ayu will call PTPTN soon to ask bout my status. Can PTPTN accept my application? The answer will be known soon. Still, I'll most probably start my studies this September. With or without a study loan. Ah well, PTPTN is not the only loan provider there is. Oh Kak Ayu said that to me so I'm just repeatin it. :D. Ah, such a happy face aye. It's a rarity.
I haven't paid the car yet because I got a cheque which has to be credited into my bank account and not a cash-cheque. *sigh*. So next Monday, BCF staff from KL, the same consistent lady who called me every month to remind me of the car's payment will surely be glad to dial my number again. Ouch. But hey no worries. I have the money but it's not with me right now. Sounds like a good answer? I sure hope so. It sounded more like a drug dealin movie script though. Later then.
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Car saved, study again & job that wants me.
Ah. Today is somewhat one of the happiest day of my live. Out of the ordinary, I finally managed to get my car's monthly instalment secured without even borrowin a penny from anybody. The freelance computer job I'm currently doin saved my day. Phew. I need to get a few more bucks and then I can smile in my sleep. The time is quite hard right now but heck, everyone will experience it at least once in their lifetime right?. I'll go and pay the instalment tomorrow.
I had a study opportunity this week. My ex-boss's wife (when I was workin in a computer company a few years ago.) who's a marketin officer fer Informatic called and asked if I could bring my SPVM result and she (along with my ex-boss) will pay the required RM200 fee up-front and apply a PTPTN loan fer me. It's an IT Administration course fer 2 years and 4 months. It's like a dream come true. The problem is that, since I left the Vokasional School and till now, which is 10 years already; I never went to the school to get all my certificates. I lost all the text-book that was lend to me on the final day of school. Somebody stole it. So I never bothered to get the result. So how did I managed to get any jobs you asked? I used the MLVK slip I get. I was an Electrical course student. Not to mention that my 1st real job (in the computer company, the ex-boss's company I mentioned earlier.) opened up a chain of another good job opportunities. I never bothered to get the SPVM result because the result wasn't that great anyway. It's a long and pain story so there's no use fer me to tell it. So, after this whole years of evadin any topics bout my result, I was now forced to get it or suffer the loss of the study opportunity. How?
No worries. It's solved this evenin. My ex-boss's wife (I call her Kak Ayu.) and me went to my ex-school to get my result. It was a very nervous thing because of some wild imagination I had bout me bein scolded in front of everybody fer losin all my text-books. So what happened? I was spared from the humiliation of bein scolded but they (the school administration) have the receipt of all my lost text-books. Drats. I still have to pay fer the loss. Ouch. But I got my SPM result. They have to hold my school certificate until I cleared the debts. Fer now, that's enough. Anyway, as I thought, my English result was way better than my Bahasa Malaysia's. Sigh. My math in the other hand, is pure thrash. Ah well, I was thrown out from my 'kampung' 6 month before SPVM (all I did was standin up fer my big sister. We're both thrown out.), livin in a new house (which took the whole day fer me and my big to find a suitable place to make our new home.) which got electricity only after 3 months we moved in, workin as a trailer co-pilot with my late brother-in-law (who was the driver.) when I should be preparin fer my exam. Ah, the memories. Such pain. Anyway, with all the discouragement I experienced, I'm pretty proud of the SPM result. Below par, but with the state I was when I'm in form 5, it makes me smile. Not because of the result, but because of the story behind it.
I fergot to ask bout my MLVK certificate. The SPM result only have 5 subjects written in it with the other 3 (all electrical subjects) missin. So I think there's another certificate that I fergot to take. So tomorrow, I have to go to the school again, with Kak Ayu (she said she'll sort the text-book thingy fer me. Phew.) and ask bout it. I do hope my PTPTN loan will get approval so I can start the studies in early September.
A car company called me a few days ago, askin me if I'm interested in doin general insurance work (like my last company). The boss was a friend of my last boss, he knew how I work and he have faith in me. If I accept the offer, I will start in September too. I'm still thinkin bout it because I'm puttin priority in my study application. Only if I can demand a flexible workin hour. Still, I still have a few weeks to think it over. If I don't get a spot fer studyin, I'll probably take the job. Didn't ask bout the salary though. I hope it'll be better than the last job.
Oh, the pain I wrote earlier was a false alarm. Phew. I'm still bein cautious bout it.
I'll be goin to Pangkor this month. With Momoe! Now that's somethin to look forward to. Later then.
I had a study opportunity this week. My ex-boss's wife (when I was workin in a computer company a few years ago.) who's a marketin officer fer Informatic called and asked if I could bring my SPVM result and she (along with my ex-boss) will pay the required RM200 fee up-front and apply a PTPTN loan fer me. It's an IT Administration course fer 2 years and 4 months. It's like a dream come true. The problem is that, since I left the Vokasional School and till now, which is 10 years already; I never went to the school to get all my certificates. I lost all the text-book that was lend to me on the final day of school. Somebody stole it. So I never bothered to get the result. So how did I managed to get any jobs you asked? I used the MLVK slip I get. I was an Electrical course student. Not to mention that my 1st real job (in the computer company, the ex-boss's company I mentioned earlier.) opened up a chain of another good job opportunities. I never bothered to get the SPVM result because the result wasn't that great anyway. It's a long and pain story so there's no use fer me to tell it. So, after this whole years of evadin any topics bout my result, I was now forced to get it or suffer the loss of the study opportunity. How?
No worries. It's solved this evenin. My ex-boss's wife (I call her Kak Ayu.) and me went to my ex-school to get my result. It was a very nervous thing because of some wild imagination I had bout me bein scolded in front of everybody fer losin all my text-books. So what happened? I was spared from the humiliation of bein scolded but they (the school administration) have the receipt of all my lost text-books. Drats. I still have to pay fer the loss. Ouch. But I got my SPM result. They have to hold my school certificate until I cleared the debts. Fer now, that's enough. Anyway, as I thought, my English result was way better than my Bahasa Malaysia's. Sigh. My math in the other hand, is pure thrash. Ah well, I was thrown out from my 'kampung' 6 month before SPVM (all I did was standin up fer my big sister. We're both thrown out.), livin in a new house (which took the whole day fer me and my big to find a suitable place to make our new home.) which got electricity only after 3 months we moved in, workin as a trailer co-pilot with my late brother-in-law (who was the driver.) when I should be preparin fer my exam. Ah, the memories. Such pain. Anyway, with all the discouragement I experienced, I'm pretty proud of the SPM result. Below par, but with the state I was when I'm in form 5, it makes me smile. Not because of the result, but because of the story behind it.
I fergot to ask bout my MLVK certificate. The SPM result only have 5 subjects written in it with the other 3 (all electrical subjects) missin. So I think there's another certificate that I fergot to take. So tomorrow, I have to go to the school again, with Kak Ayu (she said she'll sort the text-book thingy fer me. Phew.) and ask bout it. I do hope my PTPTN loan will get approval so I can start the studies in early September.
A car company called me a few days ago, askin me if I'm interested in doin general insurance work (like my last company). The boss was a friend of my last boss, he knew how I work and he have faith in me. If I accept the offer, I will start in September too. I'm still thinkin bout it because I'm puttin priority in my study application. Only if I can demand a flexible workin hour. Still, I still have a few weeks to think it over. If I don't get a spot fer studyin, I'll probably take the job. Didn't ask bout the salary though. I hope it'll be better than the last job.
Oh, the pain I wrote earlier was a false alarm. Phew. I'm still bein cautious bout it.
I'll be goin to Pangkor this month. With Momoe! Now that's somethin to look forward to. Later then.
Sunday, July 31, 2005
Can't think of any decent title fer this..
Howdy folks. It's me here, tryin to write some more blog from an internet cafe. It still sucks but hey, had to do what I had to do. Sheesh now this pc's keyboard has a sticky keys so I have to correct almost everythin I wrote. Darn.
I still have no job. Ah, such a short word to describe it. But it's enough.
My sister still haven't cut off my Streamyx so it'll be another month of waste fer my RM88 bucks. Drats. I can't cut it because it's registered usin her name (my name is blacklisted because my old old company use it and had more then a thousand ringgit worth of debt. Drats). I dunno when she'll go to the Telekom and cut it though but I hope it'll be soon. Can't use the darn Streamyx though so what's the use anyway?
I wrote a blog but I left the diskette at home. So here's a brief blog I guess. I wanna write more but this is an internet cafe so it sucks to blog from here. I guess I'll paste the blog later and adjust the date because I blog about yesterday. Heh, it's almost an hour so I better stop. Can't do like what I used to at home. Yeah I kinda love to stare at the internet. Later then.
I still have no job. Ah, such a short word to describe it. But it's enough.
My sister still haven't cut off my Streamyx so it'll be another month of waste fer my RM88 bucks. Drats. I can't cut it because it's registered usin her name (my name is blacklisted because my old old company use it and had more then a thousand ringgit worth of debt. Drats). I dunno when she'll go to the Telekom and cut it though but I hope it'll be soon. Can't use the darn Streamyx though so what's the use anyway?
I wrote a blog but I left the diskette at home. So here's a brief blog I guess. I wanna write more but this is an internet cafe so it sucks to blog from here. I guess I'll paste the blog later and adjust the date because I blog about yesterday. Heh, it's almost an hour so I better stop. Can't do like what I used to at home. Yeah I kinda love to stare at the internet. Later then.
Saturday, July 30, 2005
No Singapore job fer me, new blog? & the pain is back?
I still have no new job. Jobless. *sigh*. What a way to survive. My sister still haven't cut the Streamyx so I'll burn RM88 fer another month. What a waste. My daily-pay jobs aren't doin so well either. Sometime I have somethin to do and most of the time, there's just nothin left fer me to work on. And when there's no work, there's no pay. I was plannin to go to Singapore this August. Got a friend who's workin there and he was back here tryin to settle some required documents. The plan was good. But then he got a job here, workin as a driver fer a VIP and he got a good pay. In fact, much better than what he get in Singapore so I have this feelin that he won't be leavin to Singapore anymore. You see, I was plannin to stay at this guy's place in Johor Bharu because he got his relative there. So then, if he ain't goin back to JB and work in Singapore after the required documents are settled, how am I goin to bump in? Such a dilemma. As fer me, I'm the kind of guy who'll try to focus at 1 thing instead of thinkin bout a few backup plans so I'm now without any other choice. I don't know if I can clear up any of my bills fer this month and it's already the end of the month.
I have this scattered ideas of a new blog. The idea seems to be a cool one. It's still a hush fer now. I don't wanna spoil the element of surprise so I'll spill no more. It'll might or might not be materialised because my current internet connectivity state aren't actually somethin to be proud of.
I'm kinda scared right now. It seems that the mysterious pain I rarely get is comin back. It's my 'Batu Karang' thingy. I hate it. It'll always make me almost break in tears just thinkin bout it. It's a hell of a pain when I'm tryin to pee when it happens. The doctor said before that I got no trace of any infection in my urine but there's a trace of blood in it so it's presumably caused by 'Batu Karang'. Trust me, it's a lot of pain when you're tryin to urinate. It's such a pain that all of the time when I'm sufferin from the effect, I can't bear it at all. It's somewhat, half my fault because I don't drink enough water. My kid sister said that the peein difficulty was probably because my body doesn't have enough fluid. I tried to make drinkin plain water a habit, in fact I even have a bottle of plain water in my room fer my convenience but it just slips off me most of the time. I hate to say it but I sense that the effect is comin again. And if that happens, I will be in a hell of a pain when I'm tryin to pee tomorrow. I pray that the feelin I get is just a false alarm. It's unbearable just to think about it. Later.
I have this scattered ideas of a new blog. The idea seems to be a cool one. It's still a hush fer now. I don't wanna spoil the element of surprise so I'll spill no more. It'll might or might not be materialised because my current internet connectivity state aren't actually somethin to be proud of.
I'm kinda scared right now. It seems that the mysterious pain I rarely get is comin back. It's my 'Batu Karang' thingy. I hate it. It'll always make me almost break in tears just thinkin bout it. It's a hell of a pain when I'm tryin to pee when it happens. The doctor said before that I got no trace of any infection in my urine but there's a trace of blood in it so it's presumably caused by 'Batu Karang'. Trust me, it's a lot of pain when you're tryin to urinate. It's such a pain that all of the time when I'm sufferin from the effect, I can't bear it at all. It's somewhat, half my fault because I don't drink enough water. My kid sister said that the peein difficulty was probably because my body doesn't have enough fluid. I tried to make drinkin plain water a habit, in fact I even have a bottle of plain water in my room fer my convenience but it just slips off me most of the time. I hate to say it but I sense that the effect is comin again. And if that happens, I will be in a hell of a pain when I'm tryin to pee tomorrow. I pray that the feelin I get is just a false alarm. It's unbearable just to think about it. Later.
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Blog from outside, daily-pay jobs & Nintendo DS
Ah. Hello world! This is my 1st time bloggin from an internet cafe. And all I can say is: IT SUCKS. Bloggin fer me is time consumin process. It'll not be a problem if my Streamyx is usable. I'm used to open up the quick blog window and let it open fer a while until I finish up my blog. Now, I have to blog quickly or else it'll burn a hole in my pocket. No don't get me wrong, I can blog quickly. So I'm provin it right now. Oh yeah I have another 32 minutes to blog here *smirk*.
I still don't have a new job yet. Job are pretty hard to find nowadays. I believe there's a job openin somewhere but to find it is somethin that requires a lotsa patient. Hehe. Oh mind me. I just remembered that me and Bobby went to the market to find a job. Bobby's still workin though. But we're both tryin to find a daily-pay job which is the best way to support ourselves in this situation. And fer added info, most daily-pay jobs are mostly works that's pretty much require you to do jobs that most educated people won't bother be doin. Like the market, agricultural sector, car wash etc. As fer meself, I don't mind what job I'm doin as long as it's 'halal'. Still, I have to look at the 'workin hour - amount paid' ratio. It'll be almost useless if I'm gettin 20 bucks workin my ass off fer 12 hours. There's a few promisin daily-pay jobs I'm tryin to get and no I won't tell you before I know I can get the work. Hah! :P
Fahmi bought a Nintendo DS 2 days ago. He was thinkin bout buyin between a Sony PSP or the Nintendo DS and the result was, Nintendo DS win. I had the chance to try it out and all I can say is. I was never wrong! Nintendo DS will always be the stuff I want in my wish list! I envy him. Drats.
Yeow. This internet cafe's staff have already startin to close this place up. Huh? It's still 11:10?! Man this sucks. This is what I can expect from doin my internet stuff from outside my cozy place. Sheesh. Ah well. My bloggin was fast anyway. Chow.
p/s: Momoe is plannin to come here again on the middle of August! Yeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssss!
I still don't have a new job yet. Job are pretty hard to find nowadays. I believe there's a job openin somewhere but to find it is somethin that requires a lotsa patient. Hehe. Oh mind me. I just remembered that me and Bobby went to the market to find a job. Bobby's still workin though. But we're both tryin to find a daily-pay job which is the best way to support ourselves in this situation. And fer added info, most daily-pay jobs are mostly works that's pretty much require you to do jobs that most educated people won't bother be doin. Like the market, agricultural sector, car wash etc. As fer meself, I don't mind what job I'm doin as long as it's 'halal'. Still, I have to look at the 'workin hour - amount paid' ratio. It'll be almost useless if I'm gettin 20 bucks workin my ass off fer 12 hours. There's a few promisin daily-pay jobs I'm tryin to get and no I won't tell you before I know I can get the work. Hah! :P
Fahmi bought a Nintendo DS 2 days ago. He was thinkin bout buyin between a Sony PSP or the Nintendo DS and the result was, Nintendo DS win. I had the chance to try it out and all I can say is. I was never wrong! Nintendo DS will always be the stuff I want in my wish list! I envy him. Drats.
Yeow. This internet cafe's staff have already startin to close this place up. Huh? It's still 11:10?! Man this sucks. This is what I can expect from doin my internet stuff from outside my cozy place. Sheesh. Ah well. My bloggin was fast anyway. Chow.
p/s: Momoe is plannin to come here again on the middle of August! Yeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssss!
Thursday, July 14, 2005
A letter from afar
Dear me,
Sorry if I wrote this a little bit late. It's not that I don't want to get online, it's just that I can't anymore. No my Streamyx didn't get cut off. It's my laptop's built-in network adapter. I fergot to detach the telephone line from my ADSL modem and I think it was rainin quite heavily while I was in KL fer Gegaran Metal 2005 gigs and lightin zapped my network adapter. How did I know my network adapter is kaput? Because it's no longer present in the System Information (Win XP) AND ifconfig (FreeBSD). So, I had to write this from an internet cafe. I can safely assume that my internet life is over now. Why the hell do I want to keep the Streamyx if I can't use it anymore? It's no use tellin me to repair the darn built-in network adapter because financially, that's the least important thing I want to consider doin right now.
But I'll log in once in a while from an internet cafe or whatever because somehow, my life grew around the internet. I consider you guys, the people I can't see, the people I don't know as my friends. While others prefer to go out and face the real life, I live in this tiny room, roamin the big internet life. Someday I'll get my Streamyx back. I do hope so. Someday, probably after I bought a better desktop computer. Who knows. Or perhaps, I'll try to live in the real life. Back to reality.
I also want to tell you about the gigs. How was it? Well, it was great! The crowd was very supportive and the bands playin with us are all great. Symphonic Metal, Brutal Death Metal, Thrash Metal; you name it and it was all in it. We did good and my throat did make it till the last song. Whew. I was afraid that I'll cough in the middle of a song or somethin and thankfully, I didn't. We got our performance on video and Fahmi already burnt in to DVD. Well, my laptop doesnt have a DVD-Rom so I can just drool and hope that Udin will convert it to VCD. We played 5 songs that evenin.
1) The Bodybag - our own
2) Once Stabbed - our own
3) Let The World Burns - our own (new song!)
4) Tresspass - The Haunted
5) Blinded By Fear - At The Gates
The new song went great! Unfortunately, one of Hangah's strings snapped in the middle of the new song but another band lend him a guitar and the show managed to go on without any other glitches. Like I've told you earlier, the crowd was very supportive and someone actually shouted "Orang kampung den" at me. That's cool. Hopefully there'll be another gig fer us soon because I'm sure as heck can't wait fer another one to come.
I didn't find a new job yet and yeah I know it's the middle of the month now. I still don't quite know what I'm gonna do but I'll figure out somethin soon. It's good thing that I'm havin a rest because Momoe was here so I can just go out on dates with her and never have to worry bout goin to work. I'll find some kind of work later after she went back to Japan.
How's Momoe? I sent her to KLIA on 14th July in the mornin fer her flight back to Japan. She came on 9th July and I thought I was late to pick her up at KLIA when nearly and hour after that, she called and said that MAS was late. I managed to avoid usin PLUS highway on my way to KLIA but I kinda lost in my way back to Seremban and was tricked to choose the highway. Damn PLUS is sure smart. In quite a short trip, we managed to do many memorable things. We went to the amusement park in Seremban, goin to a ghost house (which later I saw a teddy bear hung inside among the other ghosts and she said it scared her. I hope she's not scared of that teddy bear) and I almost spewed my guts out when we ride a rift ride which I swore that will be the last time Ill ever get on that ride again.
Oh, she came with us to the Gegaran Metal 2005 gig. When it was time fer me to perform, I saw her near the front of the stage. It's not that hard to find her because while everybody else is wearin black shirts and a few white one, she wore a kawaii (yes kawaii, not hawaii. kawaii means cute) floral shirt. She kept buyin bottle after bottle of mineral water and I do feel guilty because we kept gettin the newly bought mineral water lost somewhere. Deep down inside me, Im very glad that I see her again; even when she said that the trip was the last one. Yes, she came here fer the last time. I avoided to talk with her bout that when she came because I just want her to enjoy her visit. And I wanted to enjoy her visit too.
Before I sent her to KLIA fer her flight to Japan, she gave me a bottle of honey and said, "it's a honey fer my honey, eat it so that you can sing better". That's sweet. Both her and the honey. I didn't get her anythin, a typical stupid behavior-o-mine. I should've bought her somethin at least. Damn. I'm feelin mushy. Why can't I? To know that after this it'll be hard fer me to see her again makes me feel empty. I don't know what I'll do to see her again. She's special, very special to me and I'm not afraid to tell you that. And yes most of the time, reality is so cruel. It's somethin special to me, that in a short period of her trip, we're close. In fact, we're so close that I still wonder why was I born Malaysian and she, Japanese. It's saddenin fer me to see her go back and instead of kidnappin her and make her stay, I was the one who sent her away. It breaks me even more to realise that this was the last time I'll see her in real life and the time to look at her was never enough. "It's a honey fer my honey..". I'll never forget that phrase.
Ah, this is gettin more like an anti-hero love story. Forgive me if the emotion was overflowin but I just feels like writin bout it. It's rare fer me to show some emotion but this time, it's somewhat different. I feel like I want to show how I feel to somebody. All this time I kept all the emotion inside and now I can't take it anymore. Yeah, I'm gettin soft nowadays. But I know it's a right feelin. I'm gonna go now and take another spoon of that honey she bought. Later then.
Sorry if I wrote this a little bit late. It's not that I don't want to get online, it's just that I can't anymore. No my Streamyx didn't get cut off. It's my laptop's built-in network adapter. I fergot to detach the telephone line from my ADSL modem and I think it was rainin quite heavily while I was in KL fer Gegaran Metal 2005 gigs and lightin zapped my network adapter. How did I know my network adapter is kaput? Because it's no longer present in the System Information (Win XP) AND ifconfig (FreeBSD). So, I had to write this from an internet cafe. I can safely assume that my internet life is over now. Why the hell do I want to keep the Streamyx if I can't use it anymore? It's no use tellin me to repair the darn built-in network adapter because financially, that's the least important thing I want to consider doin right now.
But I'll log in once in a while from an internet cafe or whatever because somehow, my life grew around the internet. I consider you guys, the people I can't see, the people I don't know as my friends. While others prefer to go out and face the real life, I live in this tiny room, roamin the big internet life. Someday I'll get my Streamyx back. I do hope so. Someday, probably after I bought a better desktop computer. Who knows. Or perhaps, I'll try to live in the real life. Back to reality.
I also want to tell you about the gigs. How was it? Well, it was great! The crowd was very supportive and the bands playin with us are all great. Symphonic Metal, Brutal Death Metal, Thrash Metal; you name it and it was all in it. We did good and my throat did make it till the last song. Whew. I was afraid that I'll cough in the middle of a song or somethin and thankfully, I didn't. We got our performance on video and Fahmi already burnt in to DVD. Well, my laptop doesnt have a DVD-Rom so I can just drool and hope that Udin will convert it to VCD. We played 5 songs that evenin.
1) The Bodybag - our own
2) Once Stabbed - our own
3) Let The World Burns - our own (new song!)
4) Tresspass - The Haunted
5) Blinded By Fear - At The Gates
The new song went great! Unfortunately, one of Hangah's strings snapped in the middle of the new song but another band lend him a guitar and the show managed to go on without any other glitches. Like I've told you earlier, the crowd was very supportive and someone actually shouted "Orang kampung den" at me. That's cool. Hopefully there'll be another gig fer us soon because I'm sure as heck can't wait fer another one to come.
I didn't find a new job yet and yeah I know it's the middle of the month now. I still don't quite know what I'm gonna do but I'll figure out somethin soon. It's good thing that I'm havin a rest because Momoe was here so I can just go out on dates with her and never have to worry bout goin to work. I'll find some kind of work later after she went back to Japan.
How's Momoe? I sent her to KLIA on 14th July in the mornin fer her flight back to Japan. She came on 9th July and I thought I was late to pick her up at KLIA when nearly and hour after that, she called and said that MAS was late. I managed to avoid usin PLUS highway on my way to KLIA but I kinda lost in my way back to Seremban and was tricked to choose the highway. Damn PLUS is sure smart. In quite a short trip, we managed to do many memorable things. We went to the amusement park in Seremban, goin to a ghost house (which later I saw a teddy bear hung inside among the other ghosts and she said it scared her. I hope she's not scared of that teddy bear) and I almost spewed my guts out when we ride a rift ride which I swore that will be the last time Ill ever get on that ride again.
Oh, she came with us to the Gegaran Metal 2005 gig. When it was time fer me to perform, I saw her near the front of the stage. It's not that hard to find her because while everybody else is wearin black shirts and a few white one, she wore a kawaii (yes kawaii, not hawaii. kawaii means cute) floral shirt. She kept buyin bottle after bottle of mineral water and I do feel guilty because we kept gettin the newly bought mineral water lost somewhere. Deep down inside me, Im very glad that I see her again; even when she said that the trip was the last one. Yes, she came here fer the last time. I avoided to talk with her bout that when she came because I just want her to enjoy her visit. And I wanted to enjoy her visit too.
Before I sent her to KLIA fer her flight to Japan, she gave me a bottle of honey and said, "it's a honey fer my honey, eat it so that you can sing better". That's sweet. Both her and the honey. I didn't get her anythin, a typical stupid behavior-o-mine. I should've bought her somethin at least. Damn. I'm feelin mushy. Why can't I? To know that after this it'll be hard fer me to see her again makes me feel empty. I don't know what I'll do to see her again. She's special, very special to me and I'm not afraid to tell you that. And yes most of the time, reality is so cruel. It's somethin special to me, that in a short period of her trip, we're close. In fact, we're so close that I still wonder why was I born Malaysian and she, Japanese. It's saddenin fer me to see her go back and instead of kidnappin her and make her stay, I was the one who sent her away. It breaks me even more to realise that this was the last time I'll see her in real life and the time to look at her was never enough. "It's a honey fer my honey..". I'll never forget that phrase.
Ah, this is gettin more like an anti-hero love story. Forgive me if the emotion was overflowin but I just feels like writin bout it. It's rare fer me to show some emotion but this time, it's somewhat different. I feel like I want to show how I feel to somebody. All this time I kept all the emotion inside and now I can't take it anymore. Yeah, I'm gettin soft nowadays. But I know it's a right feelin. I'm gonna go now and take another spoon of that honey she bought. Later then.
Friday, July 08, 2005
My bass string snapped... Arghhhh!
Arrghhhhhh! Damn! Why it has to be this time? When the gigs is just around the corner. Drats!! #$@%!! Why? I'm goin frenzy because the 4th string of my bass has retired last night. It snapped just after we're playin 2 songs in our practice session. Heck. Anyway, Kayser Strings was the best ever! I bought it a few years ago (more than 2 years! It's true!) and nothin I tried can beat its performance. The only catch is that I bought it in KL and I never saw it bein sold here in Seremban. Damn! Imagine that the biggest string snapped just like that (well it's rusty a bit, like the other 3 strings). Now I'm worried that the other strings will snapped too. The complete set cost me bout RM98 and that is a hell lot of money. I don't know if they sell it seperately. I guess I'll have to make do with another brand of string to replace the old Kayser. It's temporary fer the gigs. Yeow this is very troublesome.
Speakin bout the gigs, it'll be another 2 days. I finally finished writin the new song's lyric! Yeah! But I still didn't memorise it to the max so it'll be yet another hard task fer me. Still doin a bit of a revision of the new lyrics though. Nuff said. Later.
p/s: Momoe will arrive tomorrow. Hurrah! Err, how to get to KLIA?
Speakin bout the gigs, it'll be another 2 days. I finally finished writin the new song's lyric! Yeah! But I still didn't memorise it to the max so it'll be yet another hard task fer me. Still doin a bit of a revision of the new lyrics though. Nuff said. Later.
p/s: Momoe will arrive tomorrow. Hurrah! Err, how to get to KLIA?
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Countdown to Gegaran Metal 2005, new song & Momoe's visitin.
3 more days till the Gegaran Metal 2005 gigs! Me and Fractured are havin a rest yesterday from any practice so today we will go fer a jam session again. Friday too. However Saturday will be another big break fer us as we don't want to waste energy before the gigs. My throat is still a bit sore and the darn cough is still here to stay. Drats. I better get meself a bottle of 'Air Asam Jawa' or else my (not so good) singin will be a disaster.
Hangah seems to memorised his parts fer our new song. That's great considerin that he had a strict time to practice it. How bout my lyrics? Well, it's 90% done and I'm thinkin of finishin it today. Got a few more days to memorise it though so I'm still crossin my fingers. It's funny that I nearly lost my breath while singin the new song because my lyrics is quite lengthy so I had to sing it a bit fast. Haha. So, revision is a must. I'm a singer AND the bassist remember? So the stamina is drained quite extensively in a brief. Oh yeah and I would like to take this opportunity to blame this problem from the effect of constant smokin of tobacco, thank you.
Momoe is comin to town just a day before the gigs because she wanted to see the show. So her visit is another event I'm lookin forward to. Unfortunately, because I'm no longer workin now, the activities while she's here will be a bit dull. Ah heck. Just enjoy it. Later.
Hangah seems to memorised his parts fer our new song. That's great considerin that he had a strict time to practice it. How bout my lyrics? Well, it's 90% done and I'm thinkin of finishin it today. Got a few more days to memorise it though so I'm still crossin my fingers. It's funny that I nearly lost my breath while singin the new song because my lyrics is quite lengthy so I had to sing it a bit fast. Haha. So, revision is a must. I'm a singer AND the bassist remember? So the stamina is drained quite extensively in a brief. Oh yeah and I would like to take this opportunity to blame this problem from the effect of constant smokin of tobacco, thank you.
Momoe is comin to town just a day before the gigs because she wanted to see the show. So her visit is another event I'm lookin forward to. Unfortunately, because I'm no longer workin now, the activities while she's here will be a bit dull. Ah heck. Just enjoy it. Later.
Friday, July 01, 2005
Bands list fer MetalTerus compilation announced, workin fer meself now & no LTD fer Hangah yet.
Looks like the final band list fer the upcomin MetalTerus Compilation has been announced and sadly we (Fractured) didn't manage to get a slot in it. *Sigh*. Ah well there will be next time. All the best and congratulation to the bands that made it and hopefully this compilation will be a blast! The announcement can be read here -=> Metal To Metals :: View topic - Pengumuman: Band List!.
Today is my 1st day workin as a freelance. No more goin to the office. Enjoyable and a bit borin if you ask me. You can say 1st day workin by meself sucks a bit. I'm still not 100% well too. Still got this annoyin cough, my head is achin and my temperature is a bit hot. Ah the water ration is here again. Looks like we're in a long dry season fer quite a while.
Unfortunately, Hangah said that he can't bring his LTD guitar to the gigs because his salary will be a bit late. So he'll end up borrowin yet another Ibanez guitar (RG I guess) fer the upcomin Gegaran Metal 2005 show. I hope my condition will be ok by then because I don't want my current health condition to affect Fractured's performance. I need a soup. Later.
Today is my 1st day workin as a freelance. No more goin to the office. Enjoyable and a bit borin if you ask me. You can say 1st day workin by meself sucks a bit. I'm still not 100% well too. Still got this annoyin cough, my head is achin and my temperature is a bit hot. Ah the water ration is here again. Looks like we're in a long dry season fer quite a while.
Unfortunately, Hangah said that he can't bring his LTD guitar to the gigs because his salary will be a bit late. So he'll end up borrowin yet another Ibanez guitar (RG I guess) fer the upcomin Gegaran Metal 2005 show. I hope my condition will be ok by then because I don't want my current health condition to affect Fractured's performance. I need a soup. Later.
Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Here's the new design of Gegaran Metal 2005 flyer. Kinda cool huh? Yeah there's a TGM guitar to be won fer visitors so remember to save your ticket(s). I heard that Gegaran Metal 2005 poster will be handed out durin the gig. The poster will be, well, bigger and they'll have picture of bands that's listed. I want that poster! Later.

Tabloid drama, ready fer the upcomin gigs & tomorrow = last day at the office.
Read any tabloid lately? One of the well known, the "Hairan Metro" wrote bout a group called "JIT" (means "Jangan Ikut Tuhan") which is currently terrorizin the public in secret. The so-called group is brainwashin teenagers to join this anti-religion cult and they have some sort of ritual fer new members includin some bizarre acts. The Hairan Metro, as usual, will put the blame on metalheads once again. I bet the last issue on black metal thingy boosted their sale and this propaganda will at least do the same fer them. It's funny to read their "exposure", such detailed infos like the ritual involved, where the JIT gang meet up, what they wear (of course black..) even some "inside testimonies" because they said that the news bout this JIT is "from trusted emails".
FROM TRUSTED EMAILS?!! What the f*ck?! Aww come on. We can never expect some sort of professionalism from their writins but this is way lower than lame. You see that? Just an email or 2 and that's enough to make it to the masses. If the news contains:-
1) Somethin to do with teenagers (except disco, clubbin, teen celebs even if they do drugs/was featured in DIY porn and everythin else as long as it's not metal. Remembers, metalheads will always be the easiest scapegoat.). To blame metalheads is a must.
2) Bizarre occult rituals. People dig taboo stuff. It doesn't matter if it's real as long as it sells.
3) Some sort of weird and dangerous stuff bout metalheads.
You see? To these tabloids, fact doesn't sell. At least not as good. So that's why they need refreshin stories (fiction or fact is irrelevant) which will make the youth look terribly dangerous. They don't care if the story was true or not. They don't give a fart if they look stupid fer makin such a fuss from unknown emails. They'll drag every teenage, youth even if you don't listen to any music or if you have a black dress somewhere in your wardrobe and they won't stop until they succeed in makin your everyday life miserable again. Do you remember how miserable it was a few years back? When the "Black Metal" case was the national phenomenan it was like hell. I guess it's somethin like a sadistic fetish fer them to see youth are attacked like that. What in the hell do they think we are anyway? Stupid like them? This is why I never bought any of them tabloids. Anybody seen those tv program where a few people debates bout the local Underground scene? I didn't see it but my friend did. He said there was Hairan Metro's dude in it and unsurprisinly, his comments (all negative towards the scene) was all lack of research (metalheads do drugs, metalheads hate God and all those pathetic dogma) and full of unfounded hatred towards the ug community. Heck that is expected from guys like that. It's a shame I didn't get to see him make a fool out of himself on national television. People are not that stupid anymore to believe everythin you feed them. If there's a Hairan Metro dude readin this, I won't be writin this if my flamesuit ain't on.
Still haven't finish writin the lyrics. Don't have the mood fer it yet. I don't know if I can finish it (and memorise it) before the upcomin gig. I'll probably just mumbles on the parts which I haven't wrote yet. Heh. Hangah will not buy a new Jackson guitar, but he booked an LTD guitar instead. Looks like it's a great choice considerin the name. I don't know which guitar though. All I know is that the guitar will come with Seymour-Duncan pickup as standard. Damn! Hmmm. To think bout it, the Ltd 30th Anniversary Bass is pretty interestin too. Might be my 3rd bass after an Ibanez EDA. :D.
Am I ready fer Gegaran Metal? Yup I am. Still have this annoyin cough tho. This is bad. Hope I won't lose my voice or somethin. No more cold/icy drinks from now on until the end of the gig. That sucks but a man gotta do what a man gotta do. I'll post the pictue of the gig's newest flyer in a while.
Tomorrow will be my last day workin in the company. After that, I'll do most of the despatchin work but as a freelance. Me as my own boss. No more sittin at the office. No more early mornin wakeup calls (like I ever wake up early anyway..). I'm still thinkin of somethin else that'll generate a steady income without requirin me to lose more than a handfull amount of my free time. Later then.
FROM TRUSTED EMAILS?!! What the f*ck?! Aww come on. We can never expect some sort of professionalism from their writins but this is way lower than lame. You see that? Just an email or 2 and that's enough to make it to the masses. If the news contains:-
1) Somethin to do with teenagers (except disco, clubbin, teen celebs even if they do drugs/was featured in DIY porn and everythin else as long as it's not metal. Remembers, metalheads will always be the easiest scapegoat.). To blame metalheads is a must.
2) Bizarre occult rituals. People dig taboo stuff. It doesn't matter if it's real as long as it sells.
3) Some sort of weird and dangerous stuff bout metalheads.
You see? To these tabloids, fact doesn't sell. At least not as good. So that's why they need refreshin stories (fiction or fact is irrelevant) which will make the youth look terribly dangerous. They don't care if the story was true or not. They don't give a fart if they look stupid fer makin such a fuss from unknown emails. They'll drag every teenage, youth even if you don't listen to any music or if you have a black dress somewhere in your wardrobe and they won't stop until they succeed in makin your everyday life miserable again. Do you remember how miserable it was a few years back? When the "Black Metal" case was the national phenomenan it was like hell. I guess it's somethin like a sadistic fetish fer them to see youth are attacked like that. What in the hell do they think we are anyway? Stupid like them? This is why I never bought any of them tabloids. Anybody seen those tv program where a few people debates bout the local Underground scene? I didn't see it but my friend did. He said there was Hairan Metro's dude in it and unsurprisinly, his comments (all negative towards the scene) was all lack of research (metalheads do drugs, metalheads hate God and all those pathetic dogma) and full of unfounded hatred towards the ug community. Heck that is expected from guys like that. It's a shame I didn't get to see him make a fool out of himself on national television. People are not that stupid anymore to believe everythin you feed them. If there's a Hairan Metro dude readin this, I won't be writin this if my flamesuit ain't on.
Still haven't finish writin the lyrics. Don't have the mood fer it yet. I don't know if I can finish it (and memorise it) before the upcomin gig. I'll probably just mumbles on the parts which I haven't wrote yet. Heh. Hangah will not buy a new Jackson guitar, but he booked an LTD guitar instead. Looks like it's a great choice considerin the name. I don't know which guitar though. All I know is that the guitar will come with Seymour-Duncan pickup as standard. Damn! Hmmm. To think bout it, the Ltd 30th Anniversary Bass is pretty interestin too. Might be my 3rd bass after an Ibanez EDA. :D.
Am I ready fer Gegaran Metal? Yup I am. Still have this annoyin cough tho. This is bad. Hope I won't lose my voice or somethin. No more cold/icy drinks from now on until the end of the gig. That sucks but a man gotta do what a man gotta do. I'll post the pictue of the gig's newest flyer in a while.
Tomorrow will be my last day workin in the company. After that, I'll do most of the despatchin work but as a freelance. Me as my own boss. No more sittin at the office. No more early mornin wakeup calls (like I ever wake up early anyway..). I'm still thinkin of somethin else that'll generate a steady income without requirin me to lose more than a handfull amount of my free time. Later then.
Friday, June 24, 2005
Fever & Fractured in Konsert magazine
Next week will be my last week workin at the company and another week after that will be the long awaited Gegaran Metal 2005 gigs. I haven't done writin the lyrics fer the new song yet because I got a fever. The fever started 3 days ago and although it can be considered gone, I'm still havin this annoyin flu and miserable headache. Pity me huh? Now go make me a soup.
There's a picture of Fractured in Konsert magazine (Vol 74, 15th June 2005 issue) in the "New Sound" section. To tell you the truth, we didn't know we're goin to be put in a magazine because nobody told us and after readin the section, I can see that Fractured's info was taken from our page. Ah well, there's no article bout us so I won't waste your time. It was salivatin fer me to see the band's name printed on the front cover (I guess Fahmi fell fer that, heck he bought this magazine.) but like I've said, there's not much of an info, no review etc. and I wonder if the editor even bother to download the mp3s in and listen to our songs.
I might be typin another few hundreds of words in here but this headache is makin my typographical error go rampant. So I'll leave fer now.
Misc rant: If bein sad, dark and hopeless-romantic is what Goth is to metal, am I not goth too?. No I don't listen to goth stuff. It's just that my mood is goth right now. Ok off to bed, again.
There's a picture of Fractured in Konsert magazine (Vol 74, 15th June 2005 issue) in the "New Sound" section. To tell you the truth, we didn't know we're goin to be put in a magazine because nobody told us and after readin the section, I can see that Fractured's info was taken from our page. Ah well, there's no article bout us so I won't waste your time. It was salivatin fer me to see the band's name printed on the front cover (I guess Fahmi fell fer that, heck he bought this magazine.) but like I've said, there's not much of an info, no review etc. and I wonder if the editor even bother to download the mp3s in and listen to our songs.
I might be typin another few hundreds of words in here but this headache is makin my typographical error go rampant. So I'll leave fer now.
Misc rant: If bein sad, dark and hopeless-romantic is what Goth is to metal, am I not goth too?. No I don't listen to goth stuff. It's just that my mood is goth right now. Ok off to bed, again.
Sunday, June 12, 2005
Creepy song, jammed new song & new flyer.
Ah. Creepy stuff. My kid sister is buggin me with this same song everyday. It's an Indo-Rock kinda stuff. I dunno what band had the song though. No don't get me wrong. I got nothin against Indo-Rock, mind you. But when the song have lyrics like:
"Aku menunggumu, menunggumu, menunggumu,
mati di depanku, di depanku, didepanku.."
Translation: "I'm waitin fer you, waitin fer you, waitin fer you,
to die infront of me, infront of me, infront of me,"
Now there's where it gets creepy. My kid sister said that the song was about a guy singin to his unloyal girlfriend. Whoa. And people blame Metal fer all the evil things. :P. Still, to hear it almost everyday now, eeps. it's still creepy. (=.=#)
Me and Fractured went fer a jam session last night and we practiced our new song. Damn it was great, but the song need more polishin and Hangah can't make it last night so the sound is rather, incomplete. Hangah said that he'll come back to Seremban just 1 week before the gigs because he's savin money to buy an electric guitar. He's aimin fer a Jackson. Uuuu. Don't know what model though. I hopes he'll get what he wants. Got me thinkin bout the moment I was savin my money fer my Ibanez TR Series. Ah, sweet memories, and pain in the arse. Anyway it's really worth it. Every penny. Currently Hangah is the only one who doesn't own an instrument so if he gets it, we don't have to borrow any from other bands.
1 of the 2 new design of Gegaran Metal 2005 gig's flyer is out. Currently I have a few of the small handout flyer so if anyone wants it, just say so. Chicks only. :D. Ok I'm no good at jokin. Anyway, if you want it, say so. I just need 1 copy fer my possession.
Ah. The Indo-Rock song have stop because my sis is goin to work. Yeehaww! I'm spared. Later then.
"Aku menunggumu, menunggumu, menunggumu,
mati di depanku, di depanku, didepanku.."
Translation: "I'm waitin fer you, waitin fer you, waitin fer you,
to die infront of me, infront of me, infront of me,"
Now there's where it gets creepy. My kid sister said that the song was about a guy singin to his unloyal girlfriend. Whoa. And people blame Metal fer all the evil things. :P. Still, to hear it almost everyday now, eeps. it's still creepy. (=.=#)
Me and Fractured went fer a jam session last night and we practiced our new song. Damn it was great, but the song need more polishin and Hangah can't make it last night so the sound is rather, incomplete. Hangah said that he'll come back to Seremban just 1 week before the gigs because he's savin money to buy an electric guitar. He's aimin fer a Jackson. Uuuu. Don't know what model though. I hopes he'll get what he wants. Got me thinkin bout the moment I was savin my money fer my Ibanez TR Series. Ah, sweet memories, and pain in the arse. Anyway it's really worth it. Every penny. Currently Hangah is the only one who doesn't own an instrument so if he gets it, we don't have to borrow any from other bands.
1 of the 2 new design of Gegaran Metal 2005 gig's flyer is out. Currently I have a few of the small handout flyer so if anyone wants it, just say so. Chicks only. :D. Ok I'm no good at jokin. Anyway, if you want it, say so. I just need 1 copy fer my possession.
Ah. The Indo-Rock song have stop because my sis is goin to work. Yeehaww! I'm spared. Later then.
Saturday, June 11, 2005
Guitar effect for PC, Naruto & rainy day.
Guitarist and bassist rejoice! Free Guitar Software, VST and DX effects, ASIO 2.0 is one of those places where you can find another excitin thing to do with your pc/laptop instead of surfin pr0n and readin my fabulous blog *yeah right..*. I bet you musicianerd (musician and a nerd at the same time, like me) somehow might have tried 1 or a few software guitar effect on your pc. Heck then I guess we can be sure of the annoyin problem with it. Yeah, the darn delay. I tried a few of the so called "realtime effect processin" but almost all can't live up to its name. It's very annoyin (and confusin) to play with the delayed sound. I lost pickin count just to catch up with the delayed sound because I'm usin the sound as my timin. But fear not! I found a software effect processor which is FREE and works! Even without delay whatsoever! It's really 'realtime' processin. Wow. Look at the url I gave earlier and search fer Shareware Effects processor 12 (FREE!). The only downside of that specific program is that you'll have to.. ehmm.. have an active internet connection before you can use it. Ah well. But heck the program is great! Yeah you can try out all the other programs listed as well and I'm pretty sure there's many that'll suit your need nicely. The url given can be found in along with many others. So pick up that dusty guitar of yours and rock on!
What is it with Naruto? Well, I'm an anime freak and the series is currently on my favorite list. Oh did I ever told you that I'm such an anime lover? No? Well now you know. I'm a sucker fer J-anime. Go google fer naruto and see a series or two. The animation is nice and the story is great. Kage bunshin no jutsu!
It was like a dejavu today. I arrive at the office around 5o'clock, soaked in rain and the office is already closed. I just managed to renew 1 roadtax out of 3 which is such a waste of effort. Oh, the rain. Just like a dejavu. So I waited fer a while, hopelessly waitin fer the rain to at least go easy because I don't want to get stranded again late in the evenin. Heck I'm soaked already so I might as well ride through it. But I stayed fer a while, watchin the rain fallin, makin bubbles on the wet tar. Rainy days just makes me feel blue.
What is it with Naruto? Well, I'm an anime freak and the series is currently on my favorite list. Oh did I ever told you that I'm such an anime lover? No? Well now you know. I'm a sucker fer J-anime. Go google fer naruto and see a series or two. The animation is nice and the story is great. Kage bunshin no jutsu!
It was like a dejavu today. I arrive at the office around 5o'clock, soaked in rain and the office is already closed. I just managed to renew 1 roadtax out of 3 which is such a waste of effort. Oh, the rain. Just like a dejavu. So I waited fer a while, hopelessly waitin fer the rain to at least go easy because I don't want to get stranded again late in the evenin. Heck I'm soaked already so I might as well ride through it. But I stayed fer a while, watchin the rain fallin, makin bubbles on the wet tar. Rainy days just makes me feel blue.
Sunday, June 05, 2005
My sister is engaged & near fatal wasp sting
There was an engagement ceremony goin on today at my house. Not me of course, it was fer my big sister. It's quite a day fer me, because I have to be the 'man in the house', which is basically, handlin all the discussion etc. etc. on behalf of my father. The ceremony went on smoothly although I was practically clueless on what to say and all such things. You know the Malay traditional way and stuff. It's quite weird I guess, if people saw me; with my long hair etc. bein the center of the engagement ceremony. I tried to be as cool as possible and I guess the ceremony is successfull. Not bad fer my 1st time. So when it's my kid sister's turn, rest assure that I'm more prepared than ever.
I had a major bad experience last Friday. While I was ridin my bike on my way back from the office, a stingy wasp (Tebuan Tanah, I don't know the name in english but I'm guessin that it's a potter wasp) hit me on my forehead and stung me just next to my left eye. It made me stop my bike in an instant and after I carefully took off my helmet, the thing was already gone. I looked at my bike's sidemirror and I saw a spot of blood on the place I got stung. Thinkin that it'll be a minor threat, I just continue ridin and went home. There was nobody at home, my big sister was at Malacca, preparin the her engagement ceremony (she brought all her kids) and my younger was workin. So I was all alone in my house. I guess it's not even 10 minutes since I got stung by the thing and I was gettin itchy all over my body. I thought that probably my sweat was makin me itchy so I took a quick bath.
When the tab water touches my body, I felt like a stingy sensation. Damn, now it's somethin more than a typical sweat that can make this. I was startin to get rashes on my skin. Still takin it easy, I guess too easy, I just turn on my laptop and doin all the usual stuff. When all of the sudden, when I was tryin to get a drink, my eyes startin to blur. I tried shakin my head but I just can see white lights. My face started to feel tense and I got this headache I can't describe. Although I can't barely see clearly, I managed to dial Alon's phone number and thank God he picked it up (fortunately Alon is listed on the few higher name in my phone's address book, if his name starts with "M" or somethin, I'll be in deep trouble). He was in the neighborhood when I told him I got stung on my head so he came in a brief. I managed to get to my car, although I was like a blind man, usin my hands to figure my way out. My body was unstable at that time and I have to hold on to anythin to make it to my car. I felt like I can no longer control my body's reaction as Alon was drivin me to the hospital. He kept blabberin somethin but I was in too much of a pain to remember it.
When I arrived at the general hospital, I was given a wheelchair after I nearly collapse while I'm registerin. My body was shakin heavily and my head felt so heavy the hospital's staff kept nudgin me to keep me awake. A few minutes after that, I was in the doctor's room and the staff in there put me in a bed, and puttin a device attached to a machine by wires on my legs and arms, and put a few small suction thingy on my chest. I was injected (can't barely notice them injectin me because I was quite numb at that time) and I took a small red pill. Still shakin, I was placed in the Probation Room fer more than 1 hour before my condition was considered stable and I'm free to go home.
The scar of the sting is still noticable. From the stories I heard, normal adult male can only stand a maximum of 3 to 4 shots of the wasp's sting and that'll be most probably fatal. This is surely a lifetime experience to me. Thank God I made it alive and I got no damagin effect from it. I'll buy a visor fer my helmet because I got phobia of gettin stung by anythin again. Another thing that'll make me quit my job soon. Later.
I had a major bad experience last Friday. While I was ridin my bike on my way back from the office, a stingy wasp (Tebuan Tanah, I don't know the name in english but I'm guessin that it's a potter wasp) hit me on my forehead and stung me just next to my left eye. It made me stop my bike in an instant and after I carefully took off my helmet, the thing was already gone. I looked at my bike's sidemirror and I saw a spot of blood on the place I got stung. Thinkin that it'll be a minor threat, I just continue ridin and went home. There was nobody at home, my big sister was at Malacca, preparin the her engagement ceremony (she brought all her kids) and my younger was workin. So I was all alone in my house. I guess it's not even 10 minutes since I got stung by the thing and I was gettin itchy all over my body. I thought that probably my sweat was makin me itchy so I took a quick bath.
When the tab water touches my body, I felt like a stingy sensation. Damn, now it's somethin more than a typical sweat that can make this. I was startin to get rashes on my skin. Still takin it easy, I guess too easy, I just turn on my laptop and doin all the usual stuff. When all of the sudden, when I was tryin to get a drink, my eyes startin to blur. I tried shakin my head but I just can see white lights. My face started to feel tense and I got this headache I can't describe. Although I can't barely see clearly, I managed to dial Alon's phone number and thank God he picked it up (fortunately Alon is listed on the few higher name in my phone's address book, if his name starts with "M" or somethin, I'll be in deep trouble). He was in the neighborhood when I told him I got stung on my head so he came in a brief. I managed to get to my car, although I was like a blind man, usin my hands to figure my way out. My body was unstable at that time and I have to hold on to anythin to make it to my car. I felt like I can no longer control my body's reaction as Alon was drivin me to the hospital. He kept blabberin somethin but I was in too much of a pain to remember it.
When I arrived at the general hospital, I was given a wheelchair after I nearly collapse while I'm registerin. My body was shakin heavily and my head felt so heavy the hospital's staff kept nudgin me to keep me awake. A few minutes after that, I was in the doctor's room and the staff in there put me in a bed, and puttin a device attached to a machine by wires on my legs and arms, and put a few small suction thingy on my chest. I was injected (can't barely notice them injectin me because I was quite numb at that time) and I took a small red pill. Still shakin, I was placed in the Probation Room fer more than 1 hour before my condition was considered stable and I'm free to go home.
The scar of the sting is still noticable. From the stories I heard, normal adult male can only stand a maximum of 3 to 4 shots of the wasp's sting and that'll be most probably fatal. This is surely a lifetime experience to me. Thank God I made it alive and I got no damagin effect from it. I'll buy a visor fer my helmet because I got phobia of gettin stung by anythin again. Another thing that'll make me quit my job soon. Later.
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Highway or a bumpy road ahead..
My office had a meetin today. Not that it's somethin weird bout it. But there's somethin important in the details of the discussion. My company is currently havin a hard time. Now, that word alone is sufficient to get the picture of what my boss is tryin to say.
A brief description bout my company. My company is a used-car company, which also deal in general (motor) insurance. So basically, we have 2 department. One department deals with sellin, buyin, arrangin loans etc. and the other one, my department deals with car insurances. My department have 2 staff which is typical fer a small company. My mate, Imran (he's a Navy retiree) is sort of managin the insurance department. And me, I'm the clerk cum despatch guy.
It's said that the every used-car company in my office's vicinity will only be able to operate there until the end of this year. Majlis Perbandaran Seremban has issued a memo sayin that no new/renewal on used-card license will be given startin this month and we; more than 10 used-car company will have to relocate. All the used-car bosses meet last night and today they sent 3 representative to go and try to sort the matter out with MPS. No news bout that yet, I will only know tomorrow (not that I'm such an important figure to make them tell me, but heck my boss will tell us bout it anyway.). And that's just a fraction of the bigger problem my company is facin.
Money. That's another one. The most important one. There's many unpaid insurances totallin in nearly 20K which most of the unpaid customer is, ironically; my boss's friends. Almost all of the debt are there even before I join the company. So basically, we in the insurance department are affected too. The whole company is in fact affected but my department is facin the worst. The 2 of us, in the insurance department are still tryin to stabilise the account but heck, my boss has given up hope now. Today. So, the signal was blinkin and I knew what it mean. Or to put it more correctly, what my boss means. He gave up on insurance and he just want to concentrate on the sellin/buyin portion of his company.
His point is valid. And I know he's still strugglin. I won't blame him. It's just a matter of time and it's better fer me to go when the ship is still afloat than sinkin with the whole crew. He said this evenin:
"As you guys can see, the insurance (department) are havin a hard time. The whole company is. I can't handle it anymore. I just want to concentrate on used-car only. People are still owin me money and this effect has not come in a surprise."
"Karl, I want you to be prepared. I want you to start searchin fer "a bigger tree to hold on to". I'm not sayin that you should go but if you want to stay with me, I know dealin in used-car is not your cup of tea (I have no desire to deal in cars. He knew it all along from the day I started workin there. He asked me to join the used-car department a few times before but I politely refused. It's too much of a headache.). I'm not puttin any fixed date fer it. I just want you to start searchin fer a better career (I tried resignin a few times before but my boss stopped me. And I was lack in motivation to actually pursue a new career.). This time, when you found a better job, I won't hold your resignation anymore. I'll write a supportin letter of any kind if you ever needed any."
I snipped the other things he said. It was a sentimental evenin. Because, heck, I kinda like that place. Although I know someday, sooner or later, I'll be leavin the company (I've never consider the job as my final career.); still, the place have a special place in my memory. The only job non-related to my workin skills / experiences. But it's fun. I finally knew how it feels to be a despatch. I knew lotsa people from lotsa background. All the person in my office is like one family. Yeah we quarrel with each others sometime. Disagreement are nothin we lack of. But in our own way, we're doin it like family (and I'm the most stubborn "lil brother" fer all I know :D ).
I always wanted to leave. And now I can. Nobody can stop me now. But in a way, it feels like I'm leavin a portion of me. Many people knew me as my company's name. The company's name is my surname. Plus many more special treatment I got which nobody, workin my kinda job, will ever get. Like I've stated, that is somethin special.
I'll leave. But I'm takin a good 2years+ memories with me. I don't have a plan yet. My boss didn't give a fixed date but I gave meself 2 month. I'm still kinda blurry of what the heck I'll be doin in another 3 month. But I don't quite give a damn. Everybody has their destiny written. I'll work somethin out. Maybe the road ahead is not that bumpy and most probably, my ride will be like hell. Fer now, I just don't care. I just want to enjoy the job I secretly in love with until the time fer me to leave fer good. Later.
A brief description bout my company. My company is a used-car company, which also deal in general (motor) insurance. So basically, we have 2 department. One department deals with sellin, buyin, arrangin loans etc. and the other one, my department deals with car insurances. My department have 2 staff which is typical fer a small company. My mate, Imran (he's a Navy retiree) is sort of managin the insurance department. And me, I'm the clerk cum despatch guy.
It's said that the every used-car company in my office's vicinity will only be able to operate there until the end of this year. Majlis Perbandaran Seremban has issued a memo sayin that no new/renewal on used-card license will be given startin this month and we; more than 10 used-car company will have to relocate. All the used-car bosses meet last night and today they sent 3 representative to go and try to sort the matter out with MPS. No news bout that yet, I will only know tomorrow (not that I'm such an important figure to make them tell me, but heck my boss will tell us bout it anyway.). And that's just a fraction of the bigger problem my company is facin.
Money. That's another one. The most important one. There's many unpaid insurances totallin in nearly 20K which most of the unpaid customer is, ironically; my boss's friends. Almost all of the debt are there even before I join the company. So basically, we in the insurance department are affected too. The whole company is in fact affected but my department is facin the worst. The 2 of us, in the insurance department are still tryin to stabilise the account but heck, my boss has given up hope now. Today. So, the signal was blinkin and I knew what it mean. Or to put it more correctly, what my boss means. He gave up on insurance and he just want to concentrate on the sellin/buyin portion of his company.
His point is valid. And I know he's still strugglin. I won't blame him. It's just a matter of time and it's better fer me to go when the ship is still afloat than sinkin with the whole crew. He said this evenin:
"As you guys can see, the insurance (department) are havin a hard time. The whole company is. I can't handle it anymore. I just want to concentrate on used-car only. People are still owin me money and this effect has not come in a surprise."
"Karl, I want you to be prepared. I want you to start searchin fer "a bigger tree to hold on to". I'm not sayin that you should go but if you want to stay with me, I know dealin in used-car is not your cup of tea (I have no desire to deal in cars. He knew it all along from the day I started workin there. He asked me to join the used-car department a few times before but I politely refused. It's too much of a headache.). I'm not puttin any fixed date fer it. I just want you to start searchin fer a better career (I tried resignin a few times before but my boss stopped me. And I was lack in motivation to actually pursue a new career.). This time, when you found a better job, I won't hold your resignation anymore. I'll write a supportin letter of any kind if you ever needed any."
I snipped the other things he said. It was a sentimental evenin. Because, heck, I kinda like that place. Although I know someday, sooner or later, I'll be leavin the company (I've never consider the job as my final career.); still, the place have a special place in my memory. The only job non-related to my workin skills / experiences. But it's fun. I finally knew how it feels to be a despatch. I knew lotsa people from lotsa background. All the person in my office is like one family. Yeah we quarrel with each others sometime. Disagreement are nothin we lack of. But in our own way, we're doin it like family (and I'm the most stubborn "lil brother" fer all I know :D ).
I always wanted to leave. And now I can. Nobody can stop me now. But in a way, it feels like I'm leavin a portion of me. Many people knew me as my company's name. The company's name is my surname. Plus many more special treatment I got which nobody, workin my kinda job, will ever get. Like I've stated, that is somethin special.
I'll leave. But I'm takin a good 2years+ memories with me. I don't have a plan yet. My boss didn't give a fixed date but I gave meself 2 month. I'm still kinda blurry of what the heck I'll be doin in another 3 month. But I don't quite give a damn. Everybody has their destiny written. I'll work somethin out. Maybe the road ahead is not that bumpy and most probably, my ride will be like hell. Fer now, I just don't care. I just want to enjoy the job I secretly in love with until the time fer me to leave fer good. Later.
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