Friday, February 25, 2005

Workout lesson #1: Daily schedule.

Today will be the 5th day of my daily workout and due to popular demand (*yeah rite..*), I'll try to write down my exercise schedule fer those who like to try it out too. Take note that you'll need to consult your physician and/or relevant trainer fer the best result. To my surprise, my weight yesterday was 52.6Kg! Wow. My weight has never been passed higher than 50Kg before. Oh yeah this is an official world record :P. Note too that I'm not a professional trainer nor experienced enough so stop readin if you're very serious about workin out (goin fer Mr. Olympia or such).

It's easier to have experienced trainer to personally train you on your workouts because I heard many cases of people doin workout fer months without any good result because they just don't do it right. There's many type of workouts fer each of body parts you want to develope. I heard that the most difficult and hardest part in a workout is the shoulder area. I got a few tips from my buddies in the gym I went so I'm pretty sure that I can make an effective workout routine. Here's a few tips I heard:

- If you never do weight liftin before, do it 3/4 times per week. Don't overdo it because you might damage your muscle.
In my case, I have some weight liftin experiences before although it's just fer fun and currently I'm trained by a few experienced buddy so injuries can be kept to minimum.
- Watch the back area. This is very important because back injuries are more common than anythin else. Serious injuries can lead to bad things. On every workout, be sure to keep a good posture of your body.
- Weight vs repeatin. Concentratin on weight will make your muscle grow bigger and repeatin a consistent workout routine fer lighter workout will shape it. SO be sure you know what you want.
- Eat wisely. As fer me, I'm currently drinkin additional protein fer muscle growth and because I can eat anythin I want without the fear of bein obese, I don't have any eatin restriction. If you want to lose fat instead, there's stuff like Cuts / Hydra Cuts etc to burn the fat like mad. Consult your physician.
- Make a schedule to suit your style of workout. Some people have shapely chest, some have built legs so be sure to know what area of your body you want to grow/shape.

This is my previous schedule. My workout routine is 2 hour per day, 5 days per week. Saturday and Sunday of the days fer my muscle to relax. Protein is taken before and after workout. My next schedule will be different as I'm makin a more suitable routine.

Monday: Workout chest, bicep and tricep. (This is very achin the next mornin, I overdo the bicep part haha)
Tuesday: Workout fer back areas
Wednesday: Workout fer chest
Thursday: Workout fer shoulder
Today: I think I want to do chest and bicep.


Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Workin out.. and ouch..

i've been doin some simple workouts fer 2 days now. And currently, I can't straighten both my arms. If it wasn't fer my buddy, I probably won't bother anyway. With aches everywhere, somehow I feel good. My sleeps are better. You know when you're tired and then you go to sleep. The moment you close your eyes you'll be sleepin like a log and in the mornin, it's a very refreshin feelin. Well except fer the major aches of course.

Why workout? Fer me, I don't exercise much. Bein a slim guy, I don't feel the need. That was before. Now I think I need more exercise than workin my fingers out (writin blog, playin bass et cetera..) and it's a good thing to have a partner to do it. One more thing, I've been maintainin my 50+kg barrier fer quite a long time now and I need to grow some weight. I won't complaint if I'm a women tho. I dunno where the heck does all the fat I ate went to. All of em directly to the flush? I dunno. So I guess I'll have to get it the harder way. Workin out. Sittin here smokin cigarettes in front of this laptop everyday ain't that healthy anyway. I hope I can maintain all this tortures tho. The 1st few weeks will be the hardest and I got a new world record fer the longest time to wear t-shirt this mornin. I won't bother tellin how I rode my bike to spare some embarassment.

Oh did I mention workin out is healthy? Yeah. :P.

Later.. Urhh..

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Work with no work, no plans fer tomorrow, Aedes & Satisfaction.

I went to work today and I wish I didn't. Why? Because the period of time that I'm really doin some work is just a few mins. The rest of the time I spent on the net (like usual) and makin it look like I'm not on the net and really workin in front of my boss. I should've slept the entire day instead.

Nobody called today so I guess no jam session this week. Although tomorrow might bring good news. I'll probably hibernate the entire day tomorrow if there's no interestin things to do.

The Health Ministry have been smoggin my area fer 2 days now. Ah. There must be a case of Denggi recently. Most cases are with childrens and many of the cases are fatal. So be sure to keep your surroundin clean and watch out fer any spot that can breed Aedes.

Spam mails are best deleted from ur mailbox. Yeah everybody knows that (well I might be wrong because if everybody really knows it then Sobig or any other mail related nasty stuff won't be a big thing right?) so I was just about to clear my Spam when I some interestin mails caught my eyes. Pr0n links aside, I read "Satisfy your girl, [u-know-what drug name] is better than [another drug fer u-know-what]". It's typical, I know. But judgin by the commitment of this spam guys, it made me think. *Drum rolls*. We are force-fed with feelins of bein unsatisfied. Oh no I'm not gonna talk bout me or anybody else's private part here :D.

Admit it. We're livin in a world where everybody wants more than anybody else. Even though that they don't really need it. Sometime we got the money fer it and most of the time we're forced to believe that eventhough we currently can't afford it, we must somehow get it soon. Fer example, I currently own this great laptop, it's more than adequate to satisfy my computin need although when it comes to gamin, I wish I own a supercomputer instead. Then comes the power of hypnotise-advertisement. They show a computer motherboard, make it look nice, wrote reviews with tons of calculations from HDD read/write access to the short period of time you'll need to screw it into you casing. Then my dual-personality starts debatin.

"Look at that, that's the new [brand]'s mobo"
"Yeah so? We got a laptop here already and it's still workin fine."
"True but we can get [another geek peripherals] to work with this!"
"If we really need that [another geek peripherals] which I doubt we'll even need it, I'm sure we can use [another geek peripheral] fer this laptop."
"Ok sure but this is [brand-name]!"
"Ah. You win."

No matter what's the reason, we will find one to suit the purpose of gettin new stuff, better stuff or even bigger private parts (ok this is the only line I'll mention bout it here..). And by the time we got it, we'll see another new stuff and the cycle will continue to wind. But I can assure you that I got a legitimate reason fer buyin a new motherboard. Yeah right. Lucky me I got no extra money to burn. Later.

p/s: I found out that although I tried installin some cool games (and cursin when it can't run), or hookin up some additional devices; I always end up usin the laptop fer the same ol things (surfin, mp3s, writin/readin some text) and bein happy with it. Simplicity is the most comfortable space. I'll need a PC to do what my tortured laptop can limitedly do but the only time I'll consider buyin it is when I have a good bargain and lotsa extra bucks to spare.
"But it's the [brand name!!!!!!"
"Oh damnit just shut up"

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Hot and cold.

Ahh. What a refreshin nice cold shower. It's hot here in Malaysia aye? It have been hot like this fer weeks now. I don't remember hot days like this before in my life. I guess there's always somethin new to experience. Water ration is comin. I bet our water reserve is runnin low. Wonder how our neighbour will cope with that. As long as I can have my nice cold shower, it's A.O.K. Later.

Url redirectin service was interrupted.

My homepage was inaccessible fer a few minutes if I use my easy to remember url. So I better write the direct link to my homepage here. Here's the direct link:

Please bookmark that link if my short url is havin some problem. And here's my easy to remember url:

Oh. If you didn't know, I have another blog about my another obsession: FreeBSD! Here's the address.

So much fer self advertisin huh? Ah well. Later.

Monday, February 14, 2005

Cheapo DSL modemo is dyin *sob*

Looks like my cheapo electronico DSL modem is showin its age. It've been tortured since the day it knows the meanin of broadband. Now, after a few month, it looks like it's dyin of old age.

Old modem != pleasurable internet

Ah. I've been disconnected again. The DSL, LAN & PWR led just lights up without blinkin. The life as we know it, is comin to an end. Well at least fer my good ol DSL modem. I'll surely miss it. Not because it have gave me unforgettable surfin experiences. No. It's because it was a free modem. And free modem doesn't last long. Free modems are like the front line assault team. They got wasted easily. They make pathway to freedom. Even though just an internet freedom. It's freedom nevertheless. And they die halfway makin it. And when that happen, we gotta chunk out another hard-earned money to buy a better modem. And what happen to the ol cheapo modemo? They are forgotten.

Ah. Disconnected again. Well well. Look at it go. The good ol modem. I'll tell you what I'll do. There. Just turn the switch off then back on. And I'm online again. Fer sure it won't take long before I got disconnected again. But well, the ol guy just keeps goin as long as it can. *pat the back of my old modem* Uh. It's hot. I was too hard on it. But we both enjoyed it. It'll be soon till I get a new replacement. A much better model from a well known brand. Aztech mebbe. Or 3Com. Or even another same cheapo DSL modem just like my ol guy if I got too sentimental. No I'm not pullin the plug yet. No sirree. He can manage another few terrabyte of downloads, mp3s, pr0ns or keeps idle without any activities eventhough I'm connected (I always do that.. bein online without any online activity. Yeah I need a therapist). Ah the guy is hotter. No worries though, he can manage it. Yup sure he can. Or can he? Like the old sayin goes:

"Old modem don't die, their chip just burn to a crisp"

So be proud my ol modem. Let the binaries go through like you've never let em in before. Make me smile. Make my day. Heck. I got disconnected again. *sigh*."

Blog from a friend.

Blog fetish beware. Here's one of my buddy's blog right on [my mind ramblings], blogged by Isman from KL who I guess updates his blog more frequent than me (shame) so fer those who loves to read blogs. Bon Appetite! Later.

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Sony NetMD fer me? Hmm gotta think bout it.

I was searchin fer infos in Sony NetMD walkman which I'm thinkin bout gettin a piece fer meself when I stumbled into Sony Net MD Walkman Software Problems Petition site. I read many reviews today and trust me, Sony NetMD is pretty much sucks. Too much restrictions (Doesn't really store mp3s in the minidisc, it's actually converted to Atrac, Sony own audio compression format which is also shitty), not to mention crappy software bundled with it. Well, who am I to say all this huh? Ouch, there's already 3,617 people who said somethin similar already. Looks like I have to cross Sony NetMD from my list of portable mp3 player's candidate. Shame. Just do some goolin and you will surely find someone havin some problem with Sony NetMD. Wow, comin from such a big and well known company, well again, it's a shame.

Other info, you can use Petition Online to host your petition, if you have any. Maybe you have some problem with somethin which somebody has already made the petition there. So help yourself and sign it. It's quite a relief though. Later.

Friday, February 11, 2005

My uncle died.

If you ever read my stories on my homepage, you might remember Bang Lan. The one who influenced me on bein a musician. His father, my uncle died peacefully this mornin. 1st time in many years we; me and Bang Lan meet again. He's still tall and have a big voice. His father was buried after Jumaat prayer and I'm goin to his house again in a few mins fer a Tahlil. May Allah bless him and keep him with all the solehin. Al-Fatihah. We'll miss him fer sure, but we know, God loves him more than we do.

We don't know fer sure how long we are goin to live. So live wisely. Later.

Saturday, February 05, 2005

I'm beat and we're beaten. Still it's a great game.

Urhh.. I'm beat. A few mins after my last blog, my friend from BCF called and said that I'm already late. It seem that the match is at Sekolah Teknik Tuanku Jaafar, just next to Sekolah Teknik Ampangan. Drats. I already asked the guard there but he said that he didn't know anythin bout any match. So, I arrived nearly 20 mins late and we already on the lead with 1 - 0. Great. Ain't it?

Yeah. I got the back position as someone already wore goalie's jersey. To tell you the truth he's a much better goalkeeper than me. So everythin was fine. Until after 2nd half. We got beaten 4 - 2 till the end of the game. Ouch. Like I've said, I'm beat. Still, it's a great game and although very tirin fer me, I lasted till the end. Got a scar on my left knee from my attempt to guard our goal post. There will be more matches comin our way and maybe this time around, we (BCF FC) will be more prepared (hey I even bought a new boots, didn't I?).

I'm waitin fer my body to cool down so a can take a nice cold shower and Fahmi called sayin that Fractured will pratice. Tonight. Errrr. Ho boy. I'm excited but my knee doesn't agree with me. Thinkin bout our upcomin gigs in Singapore. Well. Just go with the flow and enjoy the show bro. Hah. It rhymes. Later.

Where's the game at anyway?

It's 5:00pm already and I'm sittin at home writin this blog. Why? I went to 3 different schools and nobody got informed bout any damn football match. My mobile is faulty so I'm stuck waitin fer call to my house and still nobody called. I swear they said it was at Sekolah Teknik Ampangan's football field. And as far as I know, there's only 2 Teknik school in Ampangan and both are located side by side. This is shitty. I've bought new pair of shorts and new boots. Irritatin. Expect some world-class flamin next Monday because I'm pissed. Later.

Bootless now..

The match will be on at 5:00pm or somethin. The guy who I'll be borrowin the boots from went outstation so I'm left with the option of buyin my own boots. Drats. I'm thinkin bout goin out and buyin a pair fer meself but I was asked to help one of my friend here packin his things because he's movin to another place. Sheesh. Will this ever stop? I hope I'll have enough time to buy my boots and a pair of football shorts or somethin. Ouch.

Friday, February 04, 2005

BCB against PGG.

Looks like football match is on tomorrow. Someone will lend me his boots but right now he's nowhere to be found. Ack. The match will schedule at 4:00pm at Sekolah Teknik Ampangan football field (used to be Vokasional Ampangan, my school). It's a bit funny because we (the team) haven't formally meet each other yet and there's no use talkin bout practice either. Ah well. It's suppose to be a friendly match anyway so I'll meet some new friends there I bet. Wish me luck peeps!. I'll try my best to keep the ball out of my goal.

Moody because...

Ah. Another breakups. No, it got nothin to do with my band(s). I just broke up with (now ex-) gf. It was pretty hard to say it but it's unavoidable. Things just don't go as planned. Mebbe I made the right decision and maybe I've made a disasterous one. I dunno. I'll probably be the one to blame from her friend's point of view but I just don't have the energy to care anymore.

Now you know why I was havin a moody days. Well, my Ibanez is still here though so life still have purpose. Later

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Bad mood.

Sheesh.. I'm such in a bad mood... It's hard to sleep when you're in such state. What the $%@* are ya lookin at?