Saturday, February 19, 2005

Work with no work, no plans fer tomorrow, Aedes & Satisfaction.

I went to work today and I wish I didn't. Why? Because the period of time that I'm really doin some work is just a few mins. The rest of the time I spent on the net (like usual) and makin it look like I'm not on the net and really workin in front of my boss. I should've slept the entire day instead.

Nobody called today so I guess no jam session this week. Although tomorrow might bring good news. I'll probably hibernate the entire day tomorrow if there's no interestin things to do.

The Health Ministry have been smoggin my area fer 2 days now. Ah. There must be a case of Denggi recently. Most cases are with childrens and many of the cases are fatal. So be sure to keep your surroundin clean and watch out fer any spot that can breed Aedes.

Spam mails are best deleted from ur mailbox. Yeah everybody knows that (well I might be wrong because if everybody really knows it then Sobig or any other mail related nasty stuff won't be a big thing right?) so I was just about to clear my Spam when I some interestin mails caught my eyes. Pr0n links aside, I read "Satisfy your girl, [u-know-what drug name] is better than [another drug fer u-know-what]". It's typical, I know. But judgin by the commitment of this spam guys, it made me think. *Drum rolls*. We are force-fed with feelins of bein unsatisfied. Oh no I'm not gonna talk bout me or anybody else's private part here :D.

Admit it. We're livin in a world where everybody wants more than anybody else. Even though that they don't really need it. Sometime we got the money fer it and most of the time we're forced to believe that eventhough we currently can't afford it, we must somehow get it soon. Fer example, I currently own this great laptop, it's more than adequate to satisfy my computin need although when it comes to gamin, I wish I own a supercomputer instead. Then comes the power of hypnotise-advertisement. They show a computer motherboard, make it look nice, wrote reviews with tons of calculations from HDD read/write access to the short period of time you'll need to screw it into you casing. Then my dual-personality starts debatin.

"Look at that, that's the new [brand]'s mobo"
"Yeah so? We got a laptop here already and it's still workin fine."
"True but we can get [another geek peripherals] to work with this!"
"If we really need that [another geek peripherals] which I doubt we'll even need it, I'm sure we can use [another geek peripheral] fer this laptop."
"Ok sure but this is [brand-name]!"
"Ah. You win."

No matter what's the reason, we will find one to suit the purpose of gettin new stuff, better stuff or even bigger private parts (ok this is the only line I'll mention bout it here..). And by the time we got it, we'll see another new stuff and the cycle will continue to wind. But I can assure you that I got a legitimate reason fer buyin a new motherboard. Yeah right. Lucky me I got no extra money to burn. Later.

p/s: I found out that although I tried installin some cool games (and cursin when it can't run), or hookin up some additional devices; I always end up usin the laptop fer the same ol things (surfin, mp3s, writin/readin some text) and bein happy with it. Simplicity is the most comfortable space. I'll need a PC to do what my tortured laptop can limitedly do but the only time I'll consider buyin it is when I have a good bargain and lotsa extra bucks to spare.
"But it's the [brand name!!!!!!"
"Oh damnit just shut up"

1 comment:

isman said...

dude, just remember all the cool games that u'll not be able to play on ur laptop when u consider to buy new pc. think of the lost joy ... >:)