Sunday, February 13, 2005

Sony NetMD fer me? Hmm gotta think bout it.

I was searchin fer infos in Sony NetMD walkman which I'm thinkin bout gettin a piece fer meself when I stumbled into Sony Net MD Walkman Software Problems Petition site. I read many reviews today and trust me, Sony NetMD is pretty much sucks. Too much restrictions (Doesn't really store mp3s in the minidisc, it's actually converted to Atrac, Sony own audio compression format which is also shitty), not to mention crappy software bundled with it. Well, who am I to say all this huh? Ouch, there's already 3,617 people who said somethin similar already. Looks like I have to cross Sony NetMD from my list of portable mp3 player's candidate. Shame. Just do some goolin and you will surely find someone havin some problem with Sony NetMD. Wow, comin from such a big and well known company, well again, it's a shame.

Other info, you can use Petition Online to host your petition, if you have any. Maybe you have some problem with somethin which somebody has already made the petition there. So help yourself and sign it. It's quite a relief though. Later.

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