Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Workin out.. and ouch..

i've been doin some simple workouts fer 2 days now. And currently, I can't straighten both my arms. If it wasn't fer my buddy, I probably won't bother anyway. With aches everywhere, somehow I feel good. My sleeps are better. You know when you're tired and then you go to sleep. The moment you close your eyes you'll be sleepin like a log and in the mornin, it's a very refreshin feelin. Well except fer the major aches of course.

Why workout? Fer me, I don't exercise much. Bein a slim guy, I don't feel the need. That was before. Now I think I need more exercise than workin my fingers out (writin blog, playin bass et cetera..) and it's a good thing to have a partner to do it. One more thing, I've been maintainin my 50+kg barrier fer quite a long time now and I need to grow some weight. I won't complaint if I'm a women tho. I dunno where the heck does all the fat I ate went to. All of em directly to the flush? I dunno. So I guess I'll have to get it the harder way. Workin out. Sittin here smokin cigarettes in front of this laptop everyday ain't that healthy anyway. I hope I can maintain all this tortures tho. The 1st few weeks will be the hardest and I got a new world record fer the longest time to wear t-shirt this mornin. I won't bother tellin how I rode my bike to spare some embarassment.

Oh did I mention workin out is healthy? Yeah. :P.

Later.. Urhh..

1 comment:

isman said...

dude, dun forget ahh the howto (steps, way to do it, instructions .. wateva) .. hehe wanna be the new mr universe ah?