Saturday, June 11, 2005

Guitar effect for PC, Naruto & rainy day.

Guitarist and bassist rejoice! Free Guitar Software, VST and DX effects, ASIO 2.0 is one of those places where you can find another excitin thing to do with your pc/laptop instead of surfin pr0n and readin my fabulous blog *yeah right..*. I bet you musicianerd (musician and a nerd at the same time, like me) somehow might have tried 1 or a few software guitar effect on your pc. Heck then I guess we can be sure of the annoyin problem with it. Yeah, the darn delay. I tried a few of the so called "realtime effect processin" but almost all can't live up to its name. It's very annoyin (and confusin) to play with the delayed sound. I lost pickin count just to catch up with the delayed sound because I'm usin the sound as my timin. But fear not! I found a software effect processor which is FREE and works! Even without delay whatsoever! It's really 'realtime' processin. Wow. Look at the url I gave earlier and search fer Shareware Effects processor 12 (FREE!). The only downside of that specific program is that you'll have to.. ehmm.. have an active internet connection before you can use it. Ah well. But heck the program is great! Yeah you can try out all the other programs listed as well and I'm pretty sure there's many that'll suit your need nicely. The url given can be found in along with many others. So pick up that dusty guitar of yours and rock on!

What is it with Naruto? Well, I'm an anime freak and the series is currently on my favorite list. Oh did I ever told you that I'm such an anime lover? No? Well now you know. I'm a sucker fer J-anime. Go google fer naruto and see a series or two. The animation is nice and the story is great. Kage bunshin no jutsu!

It was like a dejavu today. I arrive at the office around 5o'clock, soaked in rain and the office is already closed. I just managed to renew 1 roadtax out of 3 which is such a waste of effort. Oh, the rain. Just like a dejavu. So I waited fer a while, hopelessly waitin fer the rain to at least go easy because I don't want to get stranded again late in the evenin. Heck I'm soaked already so I might as well ride through it. But I stayed fer a while, watchin the rain fallin, makin bubbles on the wet tar. Rainy days just makes me feel blue.

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