Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Upcomin Singapore's trip and gigs.

No luck bout the "1 month balance in passport" thingy. I HAVE to renew my damn passport. So I did. I went to the Immigration Office today and that's the last time I cought a glimpse of my 300 bucks. Drats. Anyway I can pickup my new passport tomorrow. You should see my recent photo fer my new passport. Such a long hair (haha!).

Me and my band also bought our bus ticket fer this Friday's trip. It'll probably cost more than RM40 (my friend Faiz, who's the cameraman/manager fer the band used his money upfront.) and what else is new? This will probably be the fastest way to get broke. It's even harder to think that Singapore have 2 times higher currency value than ours. Instant noodle will be my daily diet over there fer sure. Now you know the hardship we; musician have to face just fer the sake of enjoyin ourselves. It's even harder when you're playin that sort of music that was never meant to be radio-friendly. Plus chicks don't dig it. Ah well, I'll be enjoyin meself fer sure. Somehow I hope we will get paid fer performin at this gigs. Not hopin to get rich tho, just enough to cover our bus tickets and food is AOK. No high hopes here.

I was thinkin bout gettin a simple "inai" tattoo fer my left arm but because time is runnin out, I guess I can just ferget bout it. I will be leavin on Friday mornin, probably at 10 in the mornin or somethin. Didn't remember the exact time our bus will be leavin fer Johore Bahru. So I'm officially out of the net until this Sunday. Do wish us a safe journey guys.

I heard that Fleur Du Mal (whatever the band's name is) will be playin at the gigs too so this *will* be interestin. I don't know what other bands in this upcomin gigs. But from bits of info, this gigs is a fully Metal scene gigs. Not a "rojak" (mixed genre) gigs like our last performance. Not that "rojak" gigs is bad but the reception is better in a fully Metal gigs. I'm secretly hopin that my band will perform at the peak time, when the crowd is packed and energies can be felt everywhere. Somethin like in the middle of the gigs. Performin too soon and many crowd will missed the performance (comin a bit late to the gigs) and performin too late will be quite borin because the crowd is gettin tired, neck achin etc etc (Hey headbangin is tirin you know!). Anyway we will record our whole show so expect me to seed the video(s) a few days/weeks after the gigs. Woohoo!

Speakin bout video, Fahmi's camcorder is currently broke. Sheesh. But lucky him he managed to borrow another camcorder from a friend. Eh, did I tell you bout Fractured - Inside The Bodybag's unofficial video clip edited by Udin? Whoa he's freakin genius! I saw the clip 2 days ago and he got serious talent fer video editin. I won't seed the clip tho because:

a) The sound was taken from our demo album, which the songs was not performed by me. (History reloaded: I joined Fractured *after* they made their demo album).
b) There's some 18sx/sg scenes in it. Not a hardcore pr0n stuff excuse me but some shots taken from "Cannibal Ferox/Holocaust" (rated B) movie (I guess).

Anyway we will be makin an official video clips soon. It's in our schedule and I bet with the talent he got, Udin will make an awesome video out of it. Brace yourself fer that specific news. Later!.

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