Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Fractured music video!

I got the Fractured last week's jam session video in my hard disk. There's about 5 songs in it. A moment ago, I've just finished doin some minor editin on the video and I've made a clip for Fractured Once Stabbed. So now I have my own music video. Amateur music video that is.

I was about to upload it to i-bands.net but because this vidz is a jam session's vidz which as you can imagine, the sound is not that good, I made the decision to not upload it. But fear not! I've made the clip available in eXeem so if you have eXeem, you can leech the vid Fractured_-_Once_Stabbed.wmv after 6:00PM Peninsular Malaysian time. Dunno how long I'll be seedin it tho so if you're interested in seein my band's jam session vidz, go ahead and leech it.

info: eXeem is based on torrent which is another p2p protocol fer sharin files over the net. p2p is Point To Point which eliminate the need fer special hostin/server to serve the files meanin that your pc is one of the server servin the files. Get eXeem which I'm currently usin. It's great fer a program still in beta. Here's the link:


If you have it and want to get my jam session vidz, search fer:

Fractured Once Stabbed

or click on this link below


or copy paste this in eXeem


You might find it. I might even personally send it to you usin YM! or any other method if you are a chick and single. Hah! Later.

1 comment:

isman said...

music video or surveillance camera recording? ahaks!!!