Sunday, March 27, 2005

Countdown to Singapore.

Me and Fractured went fer a jam session last night and my vocal cord can stand the torture fer just 40 mins. I guess my throat is not 100% ready yet. Man this worries me. We got less than a week before the Singapore gigs and I hope my throat will be 100% healthy before that. I think I have to stop drinkin ice thingy and go fer "air suam" (plain water) instead. Heck I want this 1st gigs outside Malaysia to be as perfect as it can. Last night will probably be our last jam session in preparation fer Singapore's gigs and I'm pretty sure we're totally ready to kick some arse.

I still haven't renewed my passport yet. Yeah bad bad me. But I'm waitin fer my paycheck to clear and it'll take bout 2 or 3 days. I will have the opportunity to renew my passport probably on 30th. Whoa. We'll be buyin our bus ticket on 31st and the trip will be on the next day. Time fly fast (I fergot how many time I wrote that..). Really fast. I was mumblin bout the gigs a few weeks ago and now it's just a few days until the real experience. Damn. I'm scared thinkin bout the reception there. Heck, just go with it and have fun. That's what matter the most.

I guess now is the right time to advertise my band's trip to Singapore's gigs everywhere my web presence can be noticed. Hehe. Self-boastin is my game :). Later.

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