Saturday, August 07, 2004

My kitten died.

My kitten, bebek got hit by a car this same mornin and died. Another of my fav kitten died of unnatural cause. Few month before that, my 3 out of 4 kittens got poisoned to death by an immoral neighbor. What kinda sick person would poison cats or kittens? If you don't like cats, just shoo em away. Surely some say "owner should keep their cats out of trouble" but think bout it damnit! It's CATS! You can't control cats! They're not like dogs which is tend to please their owner in everythin they do. Cats are survivalist and curious, they tend to do things that'll make em survive 1st and explore places / things. Puttin cats in cages is not good too. They need the freedom of movement.

I'm sad right now. Heck who ain't. To watch em grow, givin them cute names, gettin used to see them at home, enjoy seein them when they're in their play mood but you can't see them long enough to really enjoy it all. Sure, new kittens will be born, but every one of them are special in a way. They have their own personality, cuteness, mood and that what makes every one of them special.

Now, there's only 1 kitten left from the same age as bebek. I sure hope he can survive livin around irresponsible human bein which litters throughout this planet earth. I'm gonna miss bebek, and now my room will be the same borin room yet again.

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