Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Highway or a bumpy road ahead..

My office had a meetin today. Not that it's somethin weird bout it. But there's somethin important in the details of the discussion. My company is currently havin a hard time. Now, that word alone is sufficient to get the picture of what my boss is tryin to say.

A brief description bout my company. My company is a used-car company, which also deal in general (motor) insurance. So basically, we have 2 department. One department deals with sellin, buyin, arrangin loans etc. and the other one, my department deals with car insurances. My department have 2 staff which is typical fer a small company. My mate, Imran (he's a Navy retiree) is sort of managin the insurance department. And me, I'm the clerk cum despatch guy.

It's said that the every used-car company in my office's vicinity will only be able to operate there until the end of this year. Majlis Perbandaran Seremban has issued a memo sayin that no new/renewal on used-card license will be given startin this month and we; more than 10 used-car company will have to relocate. All the used-car bosses meet last night and today they sent 3 representative to go and try to sort the matter out with MPS. No news bout that yet, I will only know tomorrow (not that I'm such an important figure to make them tell me, but heck my boss will tell us bout it anyway.). And that's just a fraction of the bigger problem my company is facin.

Money. That's another one. The most important one. There's many unpaid insurances totallin in nearly 20K which most of the unpaid customer is, ironically; my boss's friends. Almost all of the debt are there even before I join the company. So basically, we in the insurance department are affected too. The whole company is in fact affected but my department is facin the worst. The 2 of us, in the insurance department are still tryin to stabilise the account but heck, my boss has given up hope now. Today. So, the signal was blinkin and I knew what it mean. Or to put it more correctly, what my boss means. He gave up on insurance and he just want to concentrate on the sellin/buyin portion of his company.

His point is valid. And I know he's still strugglin. I won't blame him. It's just a matter of time and it's better fer me to go when the ship is still afloat than sinkin with the whole crew. He said this evenin:

"As you guys can see, the insurance (department) are havin a hard time. The whole company is. I can't handle it anymore. I just want to concentrate on used-car only. People are still owin me money and this effect has not come in a surprise."

"Karl, I want you to be prepared. I want you to start searchin fer "a bigger tree to hold on to". I'm not sayin that you should go but if you want to stay with me, I know dealin in used-car is not your cup of tea
(I have no desire to deal in cars. He knew it all along from the day I started workin there. He asked me to join the used-car department a few times before but I politely refused. It's too much of a headache.). I'm not puttin any fixed date fer it. I just want you to start searchin fer a better career (I tried resignin a few times before but my boss stopped me. And I was lack in motivation to actually pursue a new career.). This time, when you found a better job, I won't hold your resignation anymore. I'll write a supportin letter of any kind if you ever needed any."

I snipped the other things he said. It was a sentimental evenin. Because, heck, I kinda like that place. Although I know someday, sooner or later, I'll be leavin the company (I've never consider the job as my final career.); still, the place have a special place in my memory. The only job non-related to my workin skills / experiences. But it's fun. I finally knew how it feels to be a despatch. I knew lotsa people from lotsa background. All the person in my office is like one family. Yeah we quarrel with each others sometime. Disagreement are nothin we lack of. But in our own way, we're doin it like family (and I'm the most stubborn "lil brother" fer all I know :D ).

I always wanted to leave. And now I can. Nobody can stop me now. But in a way, it feels like I'm leavin a portion of me. Many people knew me as my company's name. The company's name is my surname. Plus many more special treatment I got which nobody, workin my kinda job, will ever get. Like I've stated, that is somethin special.

I'll leave. But I'm takin a good 2years+ memories with me. I don't have a plan yet. My boss didn't give a fixed date but I gave meself 2 month. I'm still kinda blurry of what the heck I'll be doin in another 3 month. But I don't quite give a damn. Everybody has their destiny written. I'll work somethin out. Maybe the road ahead is not that bumpy and most probably, my ride will be like hell. Fer now, I just don't care. I just want to enjoy the job I secretly in love with until the time fer me to leave fer good. Later.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

The Amityville Horror, tired & new song's lyric.

I love horror movies. I do. And I know most of the time, I'll freak out when I'm seein or after I saw horror movies. Still I love em. And I just saw The Amityville Horror starrin Ryan Reynolds and Melissa George. And that movie is disturbingly horrific. When I'm watchin the movie, I kept sayin to meself "damn this movie is too much", "sheesh I can't watch this" and tons of others excuses that failed to keep me off the screen. Heck it's a good movie anyway. There's a lot of emotions which made me sayin "Get the heck out of the house damnit! Now!". And there's value of life in it. Oh fer sure the horror came free with all this bundle. The story is about a house which was a mass-murder crime scene when a guy killed his whole family claimin that he was possessed. He was then put to bars (if I'm not mistaken, heck that was the introduction fer the goodies to come anyway..) and years later, the current time, this clueless happy family moved in. Then the horror starts. Again. Phew thanks goodness I made it till the end. Now I better get my fav anime vids so that I can stop freakin out now.

Today was the busiest day at work. Got many things to do and lucky me, 99% of it is done. Nowadays, my boss give me tasks a day in advance. Sheesh. To get back home and thinkin that tomorrow I'm already booked is pretty much tirin. I'm easily tired nowadays. Now the usual tired-after-work stuff, this is much worst. Heck if I'm too tired to even go out fer a drink then my work must be very tirin. Tomorrow I have to go to Puspakom to get this car inspected. And to make sure I'll do that early in the mornin, I was asked to drive that car today. Sheesh.

Still haven't done anythin with the new song's lyric though. I have a few unassembled puzzle of the lyrics but still too lazy to write from the start. Got lyrics fer the chorus part, the bridge part etc but no main verse stuff yet. Anyway I got the picture of what to write about so it's somethin that I should worry less. Unless today is already 8th of July. Later.

Monday, May 23, 2005

Fractured new song & strings fer my bass.

Yesterday, me and Fractured except Hangah went practicin fer our new song. The new song is, whoa, great. It's a great probability that we'll perform this new song in the upcomin Gegaran Metal 2005 gigs. But only if I can make and memorise the lyrics :D. How's the new songs? Quite intense and still technical to say the least. I got to write a lyric soon. Now where's my thinkin cap?

Ouch, I fergot to polish my bass guitar. Now the strings are pretty much rusty a bit (heck the strings is nearly a year old now, probably more!). I know I'll have to fork out RM90++ fer a new set of Kyser Powercore strings (Yeah Kyser is my fav bass strings) but it'll not be this month. Thank goodness I'm a bassplayer. One of the thing that made me not to be a guitar player is that when guitar strings are rusty, my delicate (seriously. it's true) fingers will easily get cut. I had a few experiences with that and it's downright painfull and dangerous (rust can effect your body). Hopefully the current strings can make it to the upcomin gigs.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Can I have this? Please.. please..

Ahhhh! I always scream fer ice-cream. Actually I always scream fer a nice lookin hooded sweatshirt. Lee Premium Cotton Hooded Sweatshirt is what I have in mind right now. Too bad my b-day is long over. I wonder if they sell it here in Malaysia. Hmmm. Ah well.. Ahhhhhhhhh! Later.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Lost memories, tiring work & fuel price hiked.

I had a vision of what I'm about to write here today but it seems that my brain has lost it somewhere among all the other cells contained underneath my skull. Got an interestin thing to tell this evenin, but I was too busy with my *ehem* work and I just fergot every single droolin words. Uh works has been a disastrous experience this week. Yessirree. But the money is good so I'm stoppin the complain bout it right now. Or maybe not.

Ever got into a moment where all the stuff you need fer the job is there but you can't complete the task? It feels like tryin to sneeze but you just simply can't. Very torturin. Well I had those days. 3 times in a row. Details aside, it's very tirin. I had to wait fer some document to be completed fer more than an hour then ridin my bike fer more than 15 mins to the final destination just to be frustrated because the destination has closed it's counter then ride my bike fer another 10mins to an alternative destination to get the job done. Tirin. Very tirin. I had to rush because of someone else's slowness in gettin his task done so that I could make up fer the time he/she wasted. *sigh*. Sometime it's dangerous because I'm on the road and rushin. Not to mention that I'm the one who have to make up excuses why my task is off the scheduled time. Somethin that's not my fault to begin with. Grrrr.

My boss's daughter got an operation went on yesterday because of appendix (Heck I sucks at medical lingo in English so I'm sorry) and it's a sad thing because she's still in primary school. Hopefully she'll recover soon and her health will be better.

Petrol and diesel prices goes up again. Now it's RM0.10 & RM0.20 hike fer petrol and diesel respectively. Well most of us can live with that. Me included. Our country has one of the lowest price tag fer both fuel. Anyway, what makes it interestin is that when one or two price goes up, all the other wants to be the part of the show too. So it's predictable that even fried chicken, nasi ayam and eggs went to a near insane price. Greedy people. So I made up a few good answers to those greedy shopowners.

Scene 1: Buyin eggs. Price is insane. Shopowner tells you that he/she had to do it because of the price hike of petrol/diesel. You can tell him:
a) Oh I always knew that chicken uses petrol/diesel to lay eggs.
b) Then give me eggs from gas fueled chicken please.

Scene 2: Buyin nasi goreng. Same greedy example like above. You can say:
a) Since when you cook usin petrol/diesel?
b) Make sure the fried rice is unleaded.

So there you have it. I had a few more of those but like I've said before, it got lost somewhere in my brain. Feel free to add more to your collection. Do not forget to make the word as silly as possible so that those greedy shopowner knows that they're dumb. Later.

Monday, May 09, 2005

From 60 till 1.

60 more days till she come here again
Such a slow days
The clock seems envious
Even the sun and the moon is like havin a walk in the park
Makin the day and nigh cyclin slow
But at least the time doesn't stop
And fer that, it'll be yesterday that I mentioned
60 more days till she come here again

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Gegaran Metal 2005 flyers & info on the net!

Latest news. As my scanner is no more in my possession, I can't scan the upcomin Gegaran Metal 2005's flyer but fear no more! The flyer (the exact copy I have with me) has already been uploaded to Metal Terus. Here's the location:


or you can log in MetalTerus main website and look at the "Upcoming Event - gig" section. You can't miss it.


Now I'm waitin fer Faiz to gimme the demo CD and a few of band pictures which I've asked a gazillion times before because I've been delayin that stuff fer me to send to Blessing Moment zine. Sheesh. Hopefully the zine editor don't think of us as a berlagak band or somethin. Later.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

New url redirectin service & car door dented.. *sigh*

Here's the late breakin news. I just registered a new url redirectin service on Cjb.net so here's a short url fer you guys to remember if you want to visit my homepage. Yeah well long url sucks so thank me then :D.


And here's the direct url which is the permanent url in case my short url gone wacko or I fergot to re-activate it (the short url will expire on the next 90 days unless I reactivate it periodically.. Ah well..).


Yes do not ferget the trailin "/" sign on the end because it's a must on Graffiti.net. Now I have to update my profiles on the net everywhere..

My friend accidently bumped my car on the right side so the door on the driver's side are dented. Ah. What to do. It's amazin that even tho the dented are not that noticable, but the 'feelin' is there. Damn am I perfectionist? I don't know. But I do know that THE DARN DOOR IS DENTED NOW!! Ahhhh!!! And my 1st payment fer the car should start only by next month. *sigggghhhhhhhhh*. Later.

My homepage address has changed!

Yup. It's true. My homepage address has changed. The Graffiti.net team didn't say anythin bout it on the main site so I was left with the option to figure it out by meself. Here's the new address:


So they've added the trailin ":graffiti.net" on the end of my subdomain. So I have to change many infos of my homepage on I-Bands.net, MySpace and a few gazillion other profiles I own. *sigh*. 1st my url redirectin service died on me, then my url changed. I hope this is the only changes they're gonna make. Later.

My website is down & night vision video.

My homepage is currently inaccessible since yesterday. *sigh*. The main Graffiti.net server seems to be ok tho. My website account on the server seems to be ok. I didn't get banned and my account didn't get deleted fer many of the blabberin I wrote in my site :D. I guess they got a problem with the DNS or probably some sub-domain error. Anyway, I would like to put it as my site got major hits this week with gazillion visitors per hour and the hostin server just can't manage the tremendous data transfer to my site alone. Hah!. Ok it was an early mornin joke. An excitin one it is, to think bout it. Don't tell me you can't take jokes nowadays.

An info bout the Singapore video. Faiz (the cameraman cum band manager.) took our whole show in "Night Vision". Great. Just great. It hurts my eyes seein the damn show that way. The other bands on the video is ok. No night vision thingy. Ironic. I don't know what the heck he was thinkin. Urghh. It's nauseatin and troublin fer my stomach to see bright light (night vision tend to capture light more sensitively) and the yucky green color of the video. Sheesh. Later.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Gegaran Metal 2005 info! & 3 days Singapore trip on video!

I just got the unofficial flyer fer the upcomin Gegaran Metal 2005 gigs. The flyer is in Bahasa Malaysia so I had to translate it to English. So here it goes:

MuzikBox Production And IJ Entertainment

Gegaran Metal 2005

Cryptic Malediction
Everlasting Tales

Venue: "Music Garage" - My Friend Station,
Jalan Tun Abdul Razak, Kuala Lumpur (Near Kampung Pandan's roundabout).
Date: 10th July 2005 (Sunday)
Time: 2:00PM - 9:00PM
Entry: Buy 2 cassette OR 1 CD worth RM 20.00 at Music Garage's counter and gain:
Free Entrance Pass!!!

So there it is. This flyer is just a photocopy and the official flyer will be full color, due to release next month. So to all my friends, don't tell me you don't even have RM20 to spare?

Fahmi came and lend me Fractured newest home vid. The video is about our 3 days trip to Singapore includin our show plus a shot of another 2 bands. The homemade The Bodybag music video I told you about before is also included. All the nonsense we did was in it. Haha it's enjoyable to watch the darn video. It has a footage of us eatin Mc Donalds, footage of us takin a double decker bus (My 1st time!) and many more! Truly a precious treasure fer me to keep. Anyway it's up fer bid startin at RM 99,999.00. LoL no I was just jokin. Later.