Monday, January 02, 2006

Homepage saved, pressure & new year.

Ah. I finally saved all the current files of my homepage into my hard disk. Yeah I lost all the page in progress, new designs and minor tweaks of the webby after a disastrous XP corruption I had a few weeks ago. I think I told you bout the XP re-installation huh? No need fer me to rewrite the tragedy again.

I'm still thinkin bout what other important file(s) that I've lost after the wacko XP incidents. Sheesh. Can't really recall all the files but slowly it's recoverin. That's why I saved all my web pages in my hard disk, because I just remembered that my local backup of the files is lost. What can I recall later..

The thoughts of my car parked in the garage, lonely without me, sunburned, soaked in rain, is puttin a pressure on my head. Sheesh. I can't wait to bail it out soon. I hope nothin got stolen because heck, there's no tellin what happened between the pickup and parkin of that poor car. Hope it doesn't have any rust because I will surely feel sad about it. 2 month is long enough.

Hey, what did you do fer new year? Me, just sittin in my room readin some FreeBSD stuff, watchin some online biddin, readin game news. It's 2006 now huh. Yeah. The year Fractured will hopefully go fer recordin. Still haven't had the chance to practice the new songs and I still haven't change the strings of my TR. One by one Karl, be patient. You can't have all the things at once. Slowly dude. Okay. Yessir.

Hah. I wrote somethin about my Ibanez TR Series which I still haven't got the chance to finish fer my homepage. When will I start writin it again? Ideas.. Ideas.. Enjoy the new year. Make it a better year huh! Later.

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