Friday, May 28, 2004

The band contest is... Today?!

Huh? What? Yeah, it's utterly insane. Another last minute changes have been made. We, me and the band I'm playin with fer the contest will be playin tonight at 9 o'clock. Am I shocked? Do I look like I'm shocked? Yes, I'm pretty much shocked by all this insanity. Who the hell do the organiser think they are anyway? Man if this is MY band then I'd be happy to quit the contest but it's not, so, I'll be playin tonight and I think I'm ready.

Ahh, the good news is, we'll only be playin 3 songs. Pawana - Search, Pelesit Kota - Search and Like a Stone - Audioslave (yay!). We've jammed last night and it looks like everybody's ready. So, fer those who's about to rock tonight, we salute you, and you, you, you, and yeah, you too.

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