Read any tabloid lately? One of the well known, the "Hairan Metro" wrote bout a group called "JIT" (means "Jangan Ikut Tuhan") which is currently terrorizin the public in secret. The so-called group is brainwashin teenagers to join this anti-religion cult and they have some sort of ritual fer new members includin some bizarre acts. The Hairan Metro, as usual, will put the blame on metalheads once again. I bet the last issue on black metal thingy boosted their sale and this propaganda will at least do the same fer them. It's funny to read their "exposure", such detailed infos like the ritual involved, where the JIT gang meet up, what they wear (of course black..) even some "inside testimonies" because they said that the news bout this JIT is "from trusted emails".
FROM TRUSTED EMAILS?!! What the f*ck?! Aww come on. We can never expect some sort of professionalism from their writins but this is way lower than lame. You see that? Just an email or 2 and that's enough to make it to the masses. If the news contains:-
1) Somethin to do with teenagers (except disco, clubbin, teen celebs even if they do drugs/was featured in DIY porn and everythin else as long as it's not metal. Remembers, metalheads will always be the easiest scapegoat.). To blame metalheads is a must.
2) Bizarre occult rituals. People dig taboo stuff. It doesn't matter if it's real as long as it sells.
3) Some sort of weird and dangerous stuff bout metalheads.
You see? To these tabloids, fact doesn't sell. At least not as good. So that's why they need refreshin stories (fiction or fact is irrelevant) which will make the youth look terribly dangerous. They don't care if the story was true or not. They don't give a fart if they look stupid fer makin such a fuss from unknown emails. They'll drag every teenage, youth even if you don't listen to any music or if you have a black dress somewhere in your wardrobe and they won't stop until they succeed in makin your everyday life miserable again. Do you remember how miserable it was a few years back? When the "Black Metal" case was the national phenomenan it was like hell. I guess it's somethin like a sadistic fetish fer them to see youth are attacked like that. What in the hell do they think we are anyway? Stupid like them? This is why I never bought any of them tabloids. Anybody seen those tv program where a few people debates bout the local Underground scene? I didn't see it but my friend did. He said there was Hairan Metro's dude in it and unsurprisinly, his comments (all negative towards the scene) was all lack of research (metalheads do drugs, metalheads hate God and all those pathetic dogma) and full of unfounded hatred towards the ug community. Heck that is expected from guys like that. It's a shame I didn't get to see him make a fool out of himself on national television. People are not that stupid anymore to believe everythin you feed them. If there's a Hairan Metro dude readin this, I won't be writin this if my flamesuit ain't on.
Still haven't finish writin the lyrics. Don't have the mood fer it yet. I don't know if I can finish it (and memorise it) before the upcomin gig. I'll probably just mumbles on the parts which I haven't wrote yet. Heh. Hangah will not buy a new Jackson guitar, but he booked an
LTD guitar instead. Looks like it's a great choice considerin the name. I don't know which guitar though. All I know is that the guitar will come with Seymour-Duncan pickup as standard. Damn! Hmmm. To think bout it, the
Ltd 30th Anniversary Bass is pretty interestin too. Might be my 3rd bass after an Ibanez EDA. :D.
Am I ready fer Gegaran Metal? Yup I am. Still have this annoyin cough tho. This is bad. Hope I won't lose my voice or somethin. No more cold/icy drinks from now on until the end of the gig. That sucks but a man gotta do what a man gotta do. I'll post the pictue of the gig's newest flyer in a while.
Tomorrow will be my last day workin in the company. After that, I'll do most of the despatchin work but as a freelance. Me as my own boss. No more sittin at the office. No more early mornin wakeup calls (like I ever wake up early anyway..). I'm still thinkin of somethin else that'll generate a steady income without requirin me to lose more than a handfull amount of my free time. Later then.