Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Silly minor car accident. Argh!

Arghhh! When I least expect it. Darn. I was on the way to office this morning, when I had a minor accident. As I reverse my car, the front bumper hit my uncle's volvo. So, my front bumper got ripped out, and the volvo didn't even move. Lucky me the volvo didn't have any defect or I'll be dead. As fer my Iswara Aeroback, well, I had to forked RM120 fer a new front bumper. Sheesh.

I never expected my uncle to park his car on the place he did because he usually park it at his parking spot. Well I might have been to over confident. That's why I didn't even bother to look at the left side mirror. Silly me. Later.


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