Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Another freakin accident... again.

*Sigh*. I was caught in another road accident yet again. On my way to work, a dog came out runnin from my right hittin the front tyre settin me and my bike slidin fer a few metres. Thank God here was no other vehicle comin my way or else it'll get worst. The front fork is damaged, side mirror shattered, few scratches on the fairin and the engine sounds pretty awefull. I'm pissed off. Very.

Me? My left hand's fingers are pretty much bleeds (I can't remember why my my left hand bleeds because I fell on my right side) and so is the palm. My right elbow have this big bloody bruise because of the slidin impact. 2 more bloody scars has been added up on my right knee. My right hand's shoulder is still hurts because of the impact of fallin. Looks like I can't play bass fer a few days.

My flak jacket (the green military jacket, quite tough) was torn badly on the right arm so I'm pretty lucky I wore that. My pants are torned in a few areas and that's the end of that. Drats. Well, at least it could get worst. I'm left with just a pair of workin pants so I'll have to get another pair.

3 accidents while workin in this company, I guess that is pretty much enough already. Gotta find another job. Ah well, at least I got a few days off. Later.

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