Friday, February 25, 2005

Workout lesson #1: Daily schedule.

Today will be the 5th day of my daily workout and due to popular demand (*yeah rite..*), I'll try to write down my exercise schedule fer those who like to try it out too. Take note that you'll need to consult your physician and/or relevant trainer fer the best result. To my surprise, my weight yesterday was 52.6Kg! Wow. My weight has never been passed higher than 50Kg before. Oh yeah this is an official world record :P. Note too that I'm not a professional trainer nor experienced enough so stop readin if you're very serious about workin out (goin fer Mr. Olympia or such).

It's easier to have experienced trainer to personally train you on your workouts because I heard many cases of people doin workout fer months without any good result because they just don't do it right. There's many type of workouts fer each of body parts you want to develope. I heard that the most difficult and hardest part in a workout is the shoulder area. I got a few tips from my buddies in the gym I went so I'm pretty sure that I can make an effective workout routine. Here's a few tips I heard:

- If you never do weight liftin before, do it 3/4 times per week. Don't overdo it because you might damage your muscle.
In my case, I have some weight liftin experiences before although it's just fer fun and currently I'm trained by a few experienced buddy so injuries can be kept to minimum.
- Watch the back area. This is very important because back injuries are more common than anythin else. Serious injuries can lead to bad things. On every workout, be sure to keep a good posture of your body.
- Weight vs repeatin. Concentratin on weight will make your muscle grow bigger and repeatin a consistent workout routine fer lighter workout will shape it. SO be sure you know what you want.
- Eat wisely. As fer me, I'm currently drinkin additional protein fer muscle growth and because I can eat anythin I want without the fear of bein obese, I don't have any eatin restriction. If you want to lose fat instead, there's stuff like Cuts / Hydra Cuts etc to burn the fat like mad. Consult your physician.
- Make a schedule to suit your style of workout. Some people have shapely chest, some have built legs so be sure to know what area of your body you want to grow/shape.

This is my previous schedule. My workout routine is 2 hour per day, 5 days per week. Saturday and Sunday of the days fer my muscle to relax. Protein is taken before and after workout. My next schedule will be different as I'm makin a more suitable routine.

Monday: Workout chest, bicep and tricep. (This is very achin the next mornin, I overdo the bicep part haha)
Tuesday: Workout fer back areas
Wednesday: Workout fer chest
Thursday: Workout fer shoulder
Today: I think I want to do chest and bicep.


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